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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Three Reasons You Should Practice Yoga

By Randall Barnett

Yoga has become a trendy fad all around the world. Everyone from famous movie stars to your next door neighbor is starting to practice yoga. In case you have never tried it and are curious, I would like to explain how yoga might be of benefit to you.

Prior to discussing the reasons for practicing yoga, it is useful to know something about the nature and origins of yoga. The practice of yoga originated in India several thousand years ago. Yoga is a comprehensive system of exercises and its goal is physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The main components of yoga are physical postures, relaxation techniques and meditation exercises. Today it is the physical aspect, the physical postures known as "asanas" that is the most popularly practiced form of yoga and you can find it taught in gyms, health clubs and studios all around the world.

Now if you are interested to know "what's in it for me" then here is a brief list of some of the most important benefits that the practice of yoga can bring to you.

1. Yoga is a key to improved physical well being. Usually this is what most people want when they sign up for a yoga course, and yoga is indeed efficient in helping people on the physical level. The various yoga postures, when combined with a proper diet and other exercise, can help you to reach high level of health, fitness and vitality. The key to this is in the digestive system where yoga postures can help you to overcome acidity, constipation and indigestion, thus preventing the many illnesses that have their root in the digestive tract. Furthermore, when yoga postures are combined with deep relaxation and meditation they help to lower blood pressure, and this becomes especially important as you grow older and become more susceptible to heart disease.

2. Yoga can help you to look better. It is common knowledge that a lot of people practice yoga in order to lose weight and look more attractive. Can yoga really be of help in this? Simply put, outer beauty is but an indication of inner health. If you take steps to improve your health, you will look better. The biological explanation of "beauty" is useful here. According to modern biology, animals (and humans) choose partners who appear to be able to produce offspring and successfully spread their genes. A beautiful appearance here means an appearance that is a sign of inner health and vitality. You may not be thinking about spreading genes when you see a beautiful man or woman but this is where our conceptions of beauty originate according to the biologists. Thus, the ability of yoga to make you feel better and have better overall health, will also give you an outer appearance that is more pleasing to everyone around you.

3. Yoga is a great way to manage stress

By practicing yoga postures and augmenting them with some relaxation and meditation you can attain a state of inner mental peace that will keep you calm in even the most challenging situations.

There's a lot more that can be said about yoga, but the three aspects that I have described are probably enticing enough for you to at least inquire more and possibly to begin your own personal practice of yoga as soon as possible.

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