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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Body Building Programs for Beginners

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you moving poundages on your squat, deadlift, bench press, row (and every other major compound exercise) that all feel substantially heavy for your body? Are your clothes fitting significantly tighter? Are you generally beginning to gain a reputation as a muscular guy that people aspire to look like?

If the answer is not "yes" to all of the previous questions, then you really don't need to be concerned about the insignificant details of your body.

If you're still in your bodybuilding "youth" and don't already have a considerable amount of muscle mass to show for your efforts, I would strongly suggest taking these types of questions and eliminating them from your mind until you do.

Why is this? It is for the reason that diverting your attention onto such small and insignificant issues will only serve to distract you from the most essential and immediate job at hand. And what is the most vital and urgent job necessary at this time? Let's develop as much muscle and strength for your body that can feasibly be accomplished!

That's right; forget about the nitty-gritty details of whether your biceps match your triceps or whether your chest is on par with your back. These are issues that you can worry about later on, but until you've thickened up your entire body as a whole to a significant degree, it's simply not worth worrying about.

If you have been training consistently for less than a year and are still a beginner then you should stop obsessing over details. You should rather focus your attention on the most pressing and fundamental problems. Move to a good weight training routine and be very determined to stick with it.

Write down every single workout that you perform and place every ounce of energy you can muster on adding as much weight to the bar on a consistent basis as you possibly can. Grind out all of the biggest, most difficult compound exercises and blast through those discomfort zones with passion and intensity.

Go to your kitchen and eat as many as six well balanced meals full of muscle building foods each day for a year.

Drink your water, get your rest and take your supplements whenever necessary. In other words: PAY YOUR DUES FIRST!

Focusing on the fundamentals first and the details later is the most efficient path possible.

You must bring this mentality into your bodybuilding program. You don't want to attempt to fine-tune and balance your physique until you have a considerable muscle foundation to work with. You can't play that awesome guitar solo before you know basic chords, after all.

Building muscle does not require a degree in rocket-science but it does require consistent willpower and determination. It's not until you've dug deep enough within yourself that you will have the benefits of a drastically improved and impressively-muscular body. Stop obsessing. Go to the gym and start your workout!

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