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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Facts About The Acai Berry Fruit

By Dana Hawkes

Have you heard about Acai food supplement? If the answer is no, it is the right time to know about the fruit as it is in the news now a day and a hot topic among the health lovers. Acai berry fruit is considered to be the newfound super food and is found to be rich in natural nutrients necessary for a good health.

Before we go into the details of the fruit, it is better to know the area where it is grown. Acai berry fruit grows to a huge extent in the rain forest region of Amazon region of Brazil, Peru and other parts of South Central America. The fruit is harvested twice in a year and they grow on the fast growing palm trees, and the acai fruit is found to have a very short life after being harvested.

The small purplish grape like fruit is so much in news due to the high health benefits of the fruit. Upon research, it is found that the fruit has a great extent of Omega fats and other nutrients needed by the body.

It is also seen that if the fruit is taken continuously the energy level of the body increases. Not only this, the omega fats and other nutrients support in strengthening the immune system of the body.

The daily intake of the acai fruit boost up the body's metabolism, which supports in the digestion of food, and the fiber content available in the fruit, reduces your appetite. Both these support in the weight loss and this property has brought the acai berry fruit into the lime light as many people who require to reduce the weight is soaring in this fast moving world.

You can get the acai berry fruit in the form of capsules, concentrated juice form, dried powder form, or in the whole fruit form. The latest usage of the fruit is in beauty products, and more information can be seen about this from

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Discover The Best Ways On How To Build Muscle

By Emmanuel Palmer

Ever wondered what your head would look like on a ripped and sculpted body? What's stopping you? If you think getting a great physique worthy of Brad Pitt is too hard, think again. You'll be surprised to see many action stars start out as skinny or fat but made a choice to end up as neither. It's time for you to make a choice too.

How do we get to point A (weak and could be improved upon body) to point B (a well-defined stronger body) the best way possible? There are simple things you can do on how to build muscle the right way and this article aims to show you how. The first thing on the agenda: Enroll in a gym nearest to you.

Now what you need is a weight training program specific to your body type and needs. This is usually provided for by a personal trainer. If there is none available, you can ask a friend who knows a lot about physical fitness for some pointers. Verify his advice with experts' input you can read about on several reliable fitness sites.

Your program will serve as your action plan for the weeks ahead. Men will most likely see a difference faster than women but either way; do not get frustrated when you don't see bulging muscles the day after tomorrow. Patience and hard work in following through the next few weeks with the exercises will get you to your goal soon enough.

When you go through the exercises, make an effort to keep the correct form all throughout the set. Sometimes people have a tendency to rush through the remaining counts just to complete the set already. You can't do this because this can be dangerous for some of your body parts. Moreover, the particular area being trained won't benefit from the workout as it could have if proper position was followed.

Do not underestimate the importance of stretching well before starting training and in between sets. You will be subjecting your body to some physically taxing drills and stretching will ease the soreness you will feel the next day. Moreover, you will perform the given exercises better. Change the program every 4 to 6 weeks to continuously create new demands on your body's ability to handle strain and stress caused by training.

One of the best ways to build muscle fast is a healthy, balanced diet. Watch that you don't binge on processed food and meals high in saturated fat. Eat food high in protein and complex carbohydrates like chicken, fish, whole wheat grains, etc. You can also take protein shakes and muscle building supplements to help accelerate muscle development. When you do, exercise caution in the dosage you take.

How to build muscle-indeed, it is a question many people ask but few ever consistently answer with hard work, persistence and passion. Decide to see your dream physique come to pass and commit to the everyday training that pave the road to get there. It will come without fail, but more than that-you will enjoy a better quality of life that was worth every sweat.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Best Way To Lose Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time

By Gernon Hesmainia

I have about 3 huge and I mean huge fat loss, body changing lessons to share with you. No one believes building muscle and losing fat at the same time is possible. I say it is possible. Not only does the Turbulence Training program prove it, but science actually agrees now.

Researchers from the University of Purdue showed men and women with an average age of 61 and with one person 80 years old was able to lose fat, build muscle, become stronger, lower their LDL cholesterol, and improve their blood sugar control with a simplified strength workout routine.

36 healthy men and women did strength training exercises only three times a week for 12 weeks, doing only 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Just how the Turbulence Training program works. The ending results was the men and women gained about 4 pounds of lean muscle and lost more than 5 pounds of fat. This study has dramatically proven that it's more than possible to build muscle and lose fat and the same time no matter what age. You also just need the right workout program that will do it.

Memberships for the gym or fancy equipment is not needed for these kind of results. All you need is a professional workout program like Turbulence Training and a roof over your head. All this can be done in the comfort of your own home. Nothings better then being able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time in your own home without having to go to the gym.

I hear men all the time claiming to have only 6% body fat or less which is about the level of a professional bodybuilder but still I have a tough time seeing their abs. That is impossible, if you really had about 6% body fat you would have 8-pack abs. The big problem is that many men and women believe that those hand held body fat analyzers are accurate!

Recent research proves these tools literally underestimates the amount of fat you actually carry on your body by about 2.4 kg! That is 5 pounds of fat these hand held devices are off by. Don't believe your hand held body fat readings, because it is most likely giving you the wrong amount of fat on your body. Anyway it's about the mirror not those machines, how your clothes fit on you, and about losing those inches from your waist. Think about those things not some BS reading a machine gives you.

Everyone thinks that burning fat doesn't come with strength training but they are wrong. A new research has just proven that strength training actually greatly boosts your metabolism by 10% after your exercise is over and majorly increases fat burning by an incredible 100%

Forget about those BS calorie readouts on the cardio machines. Strength training does not burn as much calories as a traditional aerobic exercise during the workout itself, BUT it continues to burn calories and fat long after your workout is finished.

That is why you will get an overall better looking body with the Turbulence Training program than you would with slow long cardio which is less effective and it isn't fun at all. Turbulence Training will have you building muscle and losing fat at the same time no matter what age you are. Get in shape quickly with the amazing workout program Turbulence Training.

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Body Building Programs for Beginners

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you moving poundages on your squat, deadlift, bench press, row (and every other major compound exercise) that all feel substantially heavy for your body? Are your clothes fitting significantly tighter? Are you generally beginning to gain a reputation as a muscular guy that people aspire to look like?

If the answer is not "yes" to all of the previous questions, then you really don't need to be concerned about the insignificant details of your body.

If you're still in your bodybuilding "youth" and don't already have a considerable amount of muscle mass to show for your efforts, I would strongly suggest taking these types of questions and eliminating them from your mind until you do.

Why is this? It is for the reason that diverting your attention onto such small and insignificant issues will only serve to distract you from the most essential and immediate job at hand. And what is the most vital and urgent job necessary at this time? Let's develop as much muscle and strength for your body that can feasibly be accomplished!

That's right; forget about the nitty-gritty details of whether your biceps match your triceps or whether your chest is on par with your back. These are issues that you can worry about later on, but until you've thickened up your entire body as a whole to a significant degree, it's simply not worth worrying about.

If you have been training consistently for less than a year and are still a beginner then you should stop obsessing over details. You should rather focus your attention on the most pressing and fundamental problems. Move to a good weight training routine and be very determined to stick with it.

Write down every single workout that you perform and place every ounce of energy you can muster on adding as much weight to the bar on a consistent basis as you possibly can. Grind out all of the biggest, most difficult compound exercises and blast through those discomfort zones with passion and intensity.

Go to your kitchen and eat as many as six well balanced meals full of muscle building foods each day for a year.

Drink your water, get your rest and take your supplements whenever necessary. In other words: PAY YOUR DUES FIRST!

Focusing on the fundamentals first and the details later is the most efficient path possible.

You must bring this mentality into your bodybuilding program. You don't want to attempt to fine-tune and balance your physique until you have a considerable muscle foundation to work with. You can't play that awesome guitar solo before you know basic chords, after all.

Building muscle does not require a degree in rocket-science but it does require consistent willpower and determination. It's not until you've dug deep enough within yourself that you will have the benefits of a drastically improved and impressively-muscular body. Stop obsessing. Go to the gym and start your workout!

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Using Superfoods To Aid Your Weight Loss

By Jane Larose

Many weight loss products are out in the market right now. These seems to be giving people with wait loss issues some hope that they would lose those pounds they have been trying to lose for sometime. However, people also need to beware about some of the negative effects that weight loss products could do to their body. It is always important that before anyone takes on any of these products, they review all the positive and negative effects of using such.

A wonderful product from acai palm trees found in many parts of Central and South America is becoming very popular right now as a weight loss and health supplement. The acai berries, a fruit, is not new to many people. In fact, it has been used in cooking and as a medicinal fruit in countries like Brazil, Peru and Belize. They are often used in recipes for cake, yogurt and many other kinds of desert.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Acai berries could be bought in many local health stores in your area. If you find it difficult to find any, you also have the option to buy it from the Internet and have it shipped to your house. But again, make sure you read more about the acai berries to make sure it doesn't have any effects on you especially if you have an existing health concern. Better yet, ask your doctor or dietician if the acai berry is okay for you.

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Investing in a Quality Stepper Machine

By Hanif Furqan

Why use a Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper? Because Stairmaster is the top of the line when it comes to home stair steppers and step mills, you can be sure you will get the best when you choose the Stairmaster CL Stepper. If you are needing a reliable home stair stepper that provides you with a professional workout, you can get it with the Stairmaster Stepper.

There are plenty of reasons to use a stair stepper, and one reason to choose the Stairmaster: because you desire the absolute best. You can count on getting exactly that when you purchase the Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper. You have a choice between buying a refurbished stepper or one that is brand new. The cost difference you'll see between the two of them will be significant and whether you purchase a used model or a brand new model will depend upon your financial situation.

If you are planning to be careful with your money but still need a great stair stepper, you can choose a used Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper. The refurbished model will make it easy for you to save money while still getting the workout from the machine that you would normally get from the health club. Many folks purchase stair steppers only to give up on working out on them after a few months. Don't fall into this trap. You can get a refurbished Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper and, if you use it often enough, get the same results that you would enjoy if you were exercising at the gym.

Whether you opt for a new or a refurbished Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper, you are certain to be pleased with the choices offered in this stair stepping machine. These include the opportunity to set up your own workout and modify the intensity as well as the amount of time that you want to spend on your workout. You need not stress too much about the workout when you first begin. Start by exercising on the machine for a little longer every day until you you can comfortably handle a 20 minute workout. Then you can work to bring up the difficulty so that the workout gets slightly harder each time. The Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper can enable you to get a gym-style workout without it costing you a lot of money for the machine. Keeping the machine in the house is possibly the best way to ensure that you do not have an excuse to not use it to keep in shape, burn calories, and firm up your muscles.

You need to use the Stairmaster 4400CL Stepper in the morning, if at all possible; it will get your day off to a good start by dropping calories. Cardiovascular exercises such as those provided by the stepper are good for burning off calories, but should not be used just after meals or before bedtime as they increase your energy. This is the reason it is a good idea to work out on the Stair master Stepper during the morning because you can give yourself energy for the rest of the day and lose calories at the same time.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Common Mistakes About Butt Exercise

By Simon Rowlings

Those who have tried to exercise their butts and get it in shape will know that it is an uphill challenge. The sheer effort that is required for getting sustainable gains in your butt area are very big in comparison to other parts of your body. It can be said that the gains are almost disproportional to the results that you gain. Those who are in the know will understand and learn to accept this but many still think they can achieve great results without the hard work.

To make matters worst is how the general public is fed so much disinformation about butt exercises that it is borderline a joke. So many health and fitness magazines and even some accredited health journals will tell you that exercising your butt is something that you can easily do. Some will even try to sell your products or services which can "guarantee" results without as much as a sweat. As you may have imagined, all of this is utter bull crap. We will attempt to list a few of the common myths and misinformation that is floating around and to set your expectations straight below.

As indicated above one of the greatest myths is that you can get good results even if you don't put in a lot of effort, or that you can get good results with little effort if you follow a certain routine or use a certain product that is being marketed to you. The simple truth is that you will not be able to gain any substantial change if you don't put in enough effort. By enough I mean a lot more effort than you think you can muster up even now. The muscles in the butt area are some of the strongest and most resilient muscles in the body. They play a pivotal role in the keeping the body upright and helping us in our mobility. It is because of this strength and resilience that extra effort is required for sustainable change.

Another myth that is commonly heard is that you can "tone" your butt muscles with resistance butt exercise with weights that are very light. For some reason or another there is so much hype about toning muscles or even lengthening muscles while not building bulk by using light weights in your resistance workouts. The problem is that muscles only respond to building themselves when they are subjected to work that they aren't used too. This means that if you continue with light weights even with high reps, you will not get the results you are looking for. The only way that you can build strength, build muscle and increase tone is by progressing to heavier and heavier weights, building resistance continuously over time until you reach a point where you are happy with the strength and tone then maintain that weight to keep the tone intact.

Another terrible myth is that you can actually spot reduce the fat on your butt. There are so many advertisements and products that claim that it can do this; they are all lies. There is no way that you can work your butt muscles in such a way that it will draw the fat from the butt. The two systems are quite independent of each other. The only way you can reduce the amount of fat on your butt is to maintain a caloric deficit so that your body can feed off the fat reserves in your butt to reduce the size.

To combine the two myths above, doing light weights in the hope to tone your muscles will almost always result in sub-par results from the exercise at best. The light weights that you use for resistance will only build your muscles to a certain degree then stop after a while. The increased reps will only help with your aerobic workout but because of the short amount of time spent per set, it is also very inefficient at best. Ultimately, you will gain very little from your efforts and waste your time.

Overall, people who are looking to improve the appearance of their butt have three things in their arsenal to help with the shaping. They can use resistance exercises to build muscle bulk and tone, they can subject themselves to a caloric deficit which lowers fat content around the body and around the butt. The last thing they can do is to tighten the skin around the butt. This is by far the hardest thing to do, how it is done is simply too hard to explain in a simple article. Follow the link in the resource box below to find out how.

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Choosing the Proform Treadmill as your Fitness Treadmill

By Petr Van Hickson

The Proform Treadmill is geared for those who are looking for a decent price and durability mixed into one. A person needs to know the ins and outs about how to go about buying a good fitness treadmill if they want to get a good deal. Plus, you also want the best features available. The Proform line is considered to be one of the most popular brands on the market today.

We would recommend that you start off by looking at the treadmill ratings available. Keep in mind that you'll have to see how strong the motor is, the weight capacity, the abilities of the controls, it's easy to use, if it's quiet, how much weight it can handle, the warranty involved, and where you'll be putting it in your home. This could take you hours of researching, but we're going to make it easy on you with the Proform treadmill. In fact, it's safe to say that the Proform line offers everything we mentioned above, and more.

The Right Treadmill choice for years of running!

Everyone wants to purchase a treadmill that is going to last a lifetime, but you have to consider all kinds of things to make that happen. Whether it's the ease of the treadmill, how hard or easy it will be to understand everything that is offered, and even if it's going to be the right fit for your personal needs. See, the idea is to get a good workout, and the best way to do that is by having user-friendly controls.

Those who are of an older generation may need to stay indoors until it's much cooler outside. If this sounds familiar, you probably don't need a heavy-duty workout machine that a 25 year old would use. These are things that each of you have to think about when you're getting a new fitness treadmill. Everyone is different so we all have specific needs.

It really doesn't matter what fitness level you choose, because there are basic option available on each Proform Treadmill. Whether it's a heart rate monitor, a calories chart, the distance, time, and various other features will be available. For those of you, who are bigger or heavier, make sure it offers an incline so you can walk at a slower pace.

The ProForm treadmill comes in 10 different models with different pricing, weight capacity, motor strength and extra features like a CoolAire Workout Fan, iPod music port, Clearview Backlit Display and various strengths of motors. Depending on what you are planning to do with your fitness treadmill will determine which model you eventually wind up with. The quiet, all purpose tredmill has long been considered an excellent cardio machine with different walking speeds, inclines and degrees of difficulty to suit all tastes and goals. The weight capacity range on all of the ProForm treadmill models from 300 to 350 pounds.

One thing you will notice is there are different types of motors available for each fitness treadmill. You can find everything from an Endura motors that offer 2.25 HP or 2.8 HP to the commercial styles that hit 2.25 CHP. What it comes down to is the Proform line gives everyone the opportunity to get a good fitness treadmill for each individual out there.

The whole idea here is to help you make the best decision possible when purchasing a new Proform Treadmill. We specifically designed this site to do that for you. So if you have any questions or even a comment, send us an email. Then again, it's much easier to subscribe to our Treadmill Bits newsletter for more fitness treadmill information.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Using Acai Berries For Your Weight Loss

By Laura Lane

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Just recently, the weight loss properties and health benefits of the acai berries have been brought to the world when many companies started marketing the product as a dietary supplement. While it has only been sold as a fresh or dried fruit before, it now comes in juice, powder and tablet forms for easier handling and distribution. This is done so the many benefits of the acai tree could be brought to everyone around the globe.

The purpose of the acai berry doesn't end in its weight loss effects. Studies about the fruit revealed that I is also good for human's cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. Many claims that it can provide increased in energy, healthier and young looking skin and improved sleep. There are also many vitamins and minerals in this product that is good for our health.

The acai berries have high fiber content. This is good in detoxifying the body and flushing out the toxins that thrives in the stomach. With these bad things out of the body, it can absorb more nutrients from the food we eat and improve our digestive process.

Our heart also benefits a lot from the acai berries. There are presence of omega vitamins in this fruit that lowers the blood cholesterol and helps improve the blood flow. It also has anti-oxidants that are said to be good for our bodies aging process.

The acai berries are now know as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals have seen the wonderful benefits of this product for our body and are now endorsing it to everyone. The popularity of the product also reached many audiences when it has been featured in many TV show and magazines all over the world.

Acai berries are still available in its natural form. It can be consumed on its own or be a part of a recipe in a healthy meal. While other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly organic and even some of its forms only include very few chemical additives for longer shelf life. So if you are looking for a product you can use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Acai berries could be bought in many local health stores in your area. If you find it difficult to find any, you also have the option to buy it from the Internet and have it shipped to your house. But again, make sure you read more about the acai berries to make sure it doesn't have any effects on you especially if you have an existing health concern. Better yet, ask your doctor or dietician if the acai berry is okay for you.

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Massage Chairs Useful for Athletes

By Stephen S Esquire

If you are an athlete, then you are always looking for an edge over the competition. Most likely you follow a strict regimen of training, exercise, diet and time for recuperation. Regardless of the type of sport that you play, it puts some level of stress on your body. Many at athletes are finding that introducing relaxation into their training regimen and help them perform at their peak. Massage chairs are being utilized to induce relaxation and to soothe sore muscles.

Each different type of sport requires different muscles to perform. The types of exercises and training regimens vary depending on the type of muscles that are used. Different muscle groups may be emphasized over others.

Stretching is an integral part of any sport. It is done to help the muscles, ligaments and tendons to be more flexible. This flexibility is the key to avoiding injuries and to push the limits of your body. Stretching must be performed on a periodic basis in order to be effective.

Just like diet and training, massage must be done on a periodic and frequent basis. It is not enough to have one massage per year. Massage is used to activate the healing processes to help restore the muscles and soft tissues.

By using a massage chair to relax and soften tight muscles, you can gain greater flexibility and range of motion areas flexibility is very important to performing at your best and to minimize the occurrence of injury.

When you compete in sports, you will push your body to its physical limits. In order for your body to perform at its peak, the muscles must maintain their flexibility. By maintaining flexibility, you can perform better and also minimize the chance of injury.

Many massage chairs provide a relaxing and comforting environment. The addition of an MP3 player with music and headphones helps to calm the mine. Relaxation of the mind is critical to releasing tension in the body.

One of the benefits of regular massage therapy is relaxation. Your mind needs to relax in order for your body to relax. As you relax, the tension held over your muscles will be released. This helps to reduce the tension and tightness and your muscles.

Massage therapy is often provided prior to a competitive event. This helps to warm up the muscle tissue, increase the blood flow and relax the body. It is also used to sharpen awareness and concentration.

Massage chairs offer a variety of different massage techniques. You can choose from shiatsu, Swedish, deep tissue relief and even acupressure. These techniques provide specific relief for different parts of the body. This enables you to target the type of massage you need depending on the requirements of your sport.

Stretching systems are now being used in massage chairs. Be stretching systems are used to stretch out the lower body. They can be used while you are getting a full body massage. Also, many massage chair manufacturers are including heaters located throughout the chair to warm up the body.

Athletes are better understanding the importance of receiving massage on a periodic basis. Massage is becoming an integral part of a training regimen. The most practical method to receive frequent massage is with a massage chair. They are tremendously convenient to add into your training program. Many athletes are finding that extra edge they need by receiving periodic massage chair treatment.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

ResV Pure And Resveratrol Effects

By Laura Lane

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.

Fight Toxins, Fight Aging

Oxidants are toxins that attack the body's organs. These toxins are responsible for wrinkles, organ damage, and can even produce cancer. Antioxidants, as the name suggests, are the archenemies of oxidants. They protect the body's organs and cells, particularly its nervous system. Consequently, antioxidants at once destroy toxic oxidants and restore damaged tissue.

Resveratrol and Sirtuins

Resveratrol is one of the most powerful antioxidants discovered to date. How does resveratrol work? This antioxidant activates "Sirtuins," a type of longevity gene capable of both reducing cellular decay and aiding the cells of the body to restore themselves. As a result, a person who takes resveratrol as a dietary supplement can expect to not only feel better on the inside as the health of their internal systems improves, but also to see a marked improvement in the appearance, tone, and coloring of the skin.

Many observable advantages are generated by taking resveratrol. Resveratrol boosts the immune system, aiding both cancer patients and people who have suffered some kind of injurious exposure to radiation. It has helped many lose weight as well.

Observing this, the drug conglomerate GlaxoSmithKline has put forth nearly one billion dollars in an effort to further our understanding of resveratrol, as the possibilities appear to be endless. Truly, we have just begun to comprehend all the benefits that resveratrol has in store for us in the battle against aging.

A Naturally Occurring Substance

Chances are you have already consumed resveratrol at some point in your life, though you probably weren't aware of it! Utilized for ages in the East as a restorative cure found in Japanese Knotwood, resveratrol was given the name "ko-jo-kon" in 1963. Japanese Knotwood is not, however, as exotic as you might imagine. In more than thirteen states it has been designated as a hostile and overwhelming weed, with the capacity to overrun your backyard in no time. The power of this plant is generated by-you guessed it-the large amounts of resveratrol contained within it. Knotwood has so much resveratrol that companies have begun using it to create dietary supplements, although some people simply cultivate it and cook with it: Knotwood is a tasty replacement for rhubarb.

Peanuts-ordinary, everyday peanuts, available in bulk at your local grocery store-are another source of resveratrol. Indeed, though they appear to be high in fat, studies show that people who ingest peanuts on a regular basis actually have a lower body fat percentage than the average person.

Yet another source of resveratrol was found in 1992: the grapevine and, accordingly, red wine derived from it. A glass of red wine a day is now considered to be a healthy option for most heart-conscious adults. Nonetheless, when it comes to resveratrol, consider the fact that it would take nearly a thousand bottles of red wine to generate the amount of resveratrol that you will find in a single dosage of a resveratrol supplement!

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Finding the True Art the Hard Way!

By Al Case

So you want The True Martial Art, but you're not willing to train for decades to get there. There is a way, simple, everybody knows about it, nobody does it. I am talking about that wonderful exercise called Horse Meditation.

The most you'll see of Horse Meditation is a minute of punishment in today's martial arts schools. The true value of the exercise is used as punishment, or just not done. How long would little Jane's mommy pay for her training, after all, if she came home and whined that the instructor was hurting her?

To do Horse Meditation the proper way, the way that brings enlightenment, one must be willing to undergo pain and transition. We all know that pain is a warning system, it tells a person he is in danger, get out of there. But pain understood, and I am not simply selling masochism here, can be truly enlightening.

Squat until your thighs are almost parallel with the ground, bend the knees and spread the legs and get low. Hold an arm to the side with the hand in a chicken beak, or whip, and raise the other arm in a high block. Concentrate on breathing deeply to your center and turn your head and focus your gaze on the fingers of your chicken beak.

Before a minute has passed your legs will be trembling, your face will be white, and you will be sure sure that you are going to die and not go to heaven. The pain in your legs will become excruciating, and you will know, sure as OJ loved his wife, that your legs are going to be permanently disfigured. Finally, you whine, gasp, break stance, and look at the clock, 120 seconds.

You must learn to ignore the pain. Pain can be ignored if you have a firm and determined desire. You will find The True Art if you can forget about the pain and endure.

Do you really think you are going to die? The answer is a big nada. Thus, you must prove that it is you in charge of your body, you must overcome the warning pain.

So you take a stance and say no when the pain starts to build. You say no, you change your mind, and you stay there, and within a few minutes you will find that the pain absolutely and totally disappears. And you will break through into The True Art...and I tell you, it is not what is taught in today's entertainment, fantasy inducing, celluloid based dojos, it is something that you never dreamt of and which will change you for all of your days.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fishing 101

By Colin Jones

So, you have decided that you want to learn how to fish. There are a few methods of learning, the hardest being trial and error. The best way is to find an instructor for one-to-one lessons.

1. Get seasickness medication: If you're going to fish on the water, nothing is worse than having your fishing trip ruined by seasickness. Most seasickness medicine is appropriate (e.g. Bonine). Even seasoned fishermen take some on rough-weather days. Take one tablet before you go to sleep, another when you wake up and a third one before you go on deck.

2. Buy a reference book: There are a lot of good books available at your local bookshops or online. The book ought to give you instructions as well as terms and definitions. There are some things you may not immediately understand but that you should know anyway. For example, learn how to tie different kinds of knots. This knowledge will also be invaluable for other purposes throughout your life.

3. Go on a party boat: There are party boats that take from five to as many as sixty anglers. The boat will usually provide you with everything you need like bait, lures, rod, reel, weights and hooks. They will assist you fish and even take the fish off the hook for you too. You will make plenty of new fishing mates and they will help and advise you. Party boats will usually cost between $25 - $70 a day per person and the fish you catch are yours to keep. A party boat is a bargain for novices.

4. Select a pier: Assuming you have already learned the skills to operate a rod and reel, you need to look for a fishing pier. Most seaside cities have a public pier or pay-to-fish pier. You can hire tackle and buy bait on these piers and, if you do have problems, there will be many pier anglers around to help and give you tips.

5. To do party or pier?: You should do either step three or four times each or both at the same time at this juncture. The best thing to do is to practise them both methods several times to really learn how to do each method.

6. The reel affair: The conventional reel is probably what you've got up to this point. The traditional reel is designed to take a lot of wear and tear. However, perhaps you now want to consider buying another type or / and make of reel. Hopefully, you have already met other fishermen and perhaps made a friend or two who can assist you in choosing a reel. You could even ask a fishing equipment shop owner for tips.

Firstly, you ought to understand the mechanics of the reel and the other equipment. Learning how to cast, tie knots and bait a hook is not really all that difficult. Secondly, you must learn where to go fishing. Successful fishermen know where the fish are swimming. Fish move from location to location and knowledgeable anglers know these patterns and are able to anticipate where the fish are likely to be swimming.

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Coronado Personal Trainer - Become The Fit Individual You Always Desired To Become

By Ben Pate

There are many ways to choose the right Coronado personal trainer, after all, there are several of them in the area. It's important when choosing a personal trainer or a workout specialist that they be trained properly, understand where you are coming from, understand your goals, and of course, be able to communicate effectively. A Coronado Trainer is what you need.

First of all you need to understand that a personal trainer is usually certified by one of several organizations, has been train effectively in CPR and other emergency first aid, understands how diet plays a role in your exercise plan, is familiar with most sports injuries, has a positive outlook and be able to pass that positive outlook on, as well as be a good listener.

Different types of fitness organizations employ most Active Personal Trainer Coronado. They can also be a part of recreational activities at parks, resort clubs, private clubs, may be a part of all-inclusive resorts or cruises, private and public gyms or have a business of their own.

Many of the personal trainers actually specialize in one area or another. It may be strength building, recreational activities, weight loss, rehabilitation, or even a medical capacity.

So before you choose your personal trainer, you may want to set a few goals so that you can find the correct one.

This may mean a rehabilitation specialist after major injuries, a clinical exercise specialist that may work with your medical provider, be a specialist in weight loss, or possibly, work with those who intend to build muscle mass or increase strength.

There are also many personal trainers who are willing to come to your home. In this case, make sure you research thoroughly any of the personal trainers in your area. Often, they will have recommendations from other clients, so make sure you talk to a few of them before hiring this person to come in to your own.

If you get a chance, choose a personal trainer that also has a private business and work with them at their exercise facility before bringing them to your phone. You'll be able start out working with them at their employment area, and then, move them into working with you for private instruction.

As long as you are choosing the right personal trainer, you're bound to see success with your exercise plan. Just remember, you need to be able to set goals to choose the right trainer who specializes in helping people reach your particular goals.

Don't forget that your personal trainer must be an excellent communicator, otherwise, your needs may not be met and you'll become frustrated. Certification is also important, without it, medical conditions, sports injuries, and even basic first aid issues can arise.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Find Out How You Can Benefit From Carpal Tunnel Exercises Using Yoga

By Tom Nicholson

While healing the damage that has brought on your carpal tunnel, clearing the mind is just as important. As exercising evolves, there have been several connections to doing yoga in order to prevent and heal carpal tunnel. In fact, it will effectively build and strengthen the body like never before.

Whenever you promote yoga in your daily regimen, there are four main components that you're working towards. Promoting blood flow, alleviating the strain, reducing stress, and clearing your mind are where it all begins. These are all important factors you must work on in order to fight the pain, burning and suffering throughout each day.

Yoga for promoting blood flow

One of the most important functions of any form of therapy is to increase the blood flow towards the target region. This increased blood flow carries away with it the damaged parts of the nerves and muscles, while bringing a fresh supply of blood to oxygenate and heal the affected area. Carpal tunnel exercises using yoga promotes this blood flow in the affected regions, and the resulting increase in blood helps repair the damaged nerves and affected muscles. This in turn lessens the pain and helps speed up the healing process.

Healing the Pain with Yoga

While everything is important, the main goal is to lessen the strain. Carpal tunnel is a problem that requires you to have a high tolerance for pain to make it through the day. The burning, the stress, and everything else associated with CT can be unbearable, so you need to know how yoga can help you. The idea is to stretch the muscles and since yoga is known for helping your flexibility, this is an extremely important tool. When this is mixed in with the fresh blood flow and the mental focus, you basically have yourself the ultimate exercising tool.

Start with Reducing Stress

Yoga promoters always pride themselves on reducing stress. However, it's important to understand that it's not only the stress you put on your body, but also the mind. Throughout the day you will notice an increase in stress that builds up if you don't have a release. Yoga allows you to do this by taking advantage of the connection between your mind and body. Utilizing both will give you the chance to relax more, reduce the stress, and be able to deal with issues throughout the day. It's the best place to begin and when you experience the results, everything else will flow much better.

Open Your Mind with Yoga

As yoga practitioners go beyond carpal tunnel exercises using yoga and regularly attend yoga sessions, the stress-reducing effects become more and more apparent. Yoga would then not only reduce stress levels that have been built up, but will help the mind become clearer and more focused, allowing the carpal tunnel syndrome sufferer to achieve a state of clarity and well-being. This state is an even more advanced state of mind does not simply reduce stress, but prepares the mind to deal with stress as it comes; effectively serving as an emotional and mental shield to environmental stressors.

One thing to understand is that there are tons of carpal tunnel exercises out there. However, when you try as many of them as possible, you'll soon realize that yoga exercises are the way to go. Having the ability to work on all aspects of your mind and body doesn't come along with every exercise. Hopefully when you try them out for yourself it will make more sense. For now, you're just going to have to take our word for it if you want to prevent and heal your carpal tunnel.

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A Simple Answer To The Question: How To Lose Weight After Baby?

By Rob Richards

If you are like many women, who have recently had a baby, you are beginning to eat healthy foods and have even begun an exercise program. In your quest to lose weight after baby, you have started to exercise twice or even three times a week. The problem is, you're not seeing any results. Since you've never dieted or exercised before, you are beginning to wonder "How long before I'll see any difference?"

It's important to be realistic about how quickly you want to lose weight after baby. Some experts have stressed the important and very sensible rule of "nine months on, nine months off". In other words it took you nine months to gain weight so you shouldn't expect to lose it overnight. As a general rule, you should be aiming to lose no more than 2lb a week. It might not sound much, but that adds up to a weight loss of almost 20 lbs in about two months. Whatever you do, as you try to lose weight after baby, don't go too fast! Rapid weight loss, more than 2 pounds a week, will usually return as even more weight. When in doubt, slow down.

Don't look for over night weight loss results. Slow weight loss is the best weight loss. Begin a reasonable exercise program, which should include at least 3 days of activity per week. As you progress, add more time and repetitions.

As you begin trying to lose weight after baby, you might feel discouraged by your lack of progress. If so, look for ways other than the scale to see improvement. You might find it helpful to measure your bust, waist and hip measurements. Sometimes, if the scales haven't budged, you'll find you've lost half an inch from somewhere (although if you're breast-feeding don't expect to lose any inches from your bust until you've weaned your baby off the breast).

You may also find it helpful to use your clothes to judge how successful you're being - there's nothing more motivating than putting on a pair of trousers that once fitted you, only to find they're now too big.

Here is the simple truth. In order to lose weight after baby, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly and be patient!

Through this combination of healthy eating and exercising you should soon start to see the difference as you lose that post-baby bulge.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Discover The Ultimate Workout - Barrys Bootcamp DVD

By Diana Keening

If you would like to burn off a thousand calories and enjoy doing it, try Barrys Bootcamp DVD. Doesn't that sound great? The midsection where the belly fat dwells is hard to keep under control but with this DVD you will lose the belly fat and end up with a tummy that is flat and toned. As a bonus to this DVD there is a gold resistance band. Hollywood has dubbed Barrys Bootcamp DVD as its Best Kept Secret. Many celebrities depend on this exercise workout like Katie Holmes, Teri Hatcher, Christina Applegate, Eliza Dushku and Jamie Lee Curtis for example.

If your goal is to get rid of unwanted fat around the mid section and end with a toned body, then this program offers an exceptional solution. All it takes is an hour a day workout to turn your body into the lean and trim frame that you desire. You will stay with this program because the music is great and you will have fun while you workout.

This is a new way of using FIT or Focused Interval Training techniques. This combination of training techniques makes your workout burn fat nine times quicker than other comparable workouts. The celebrities agree that this is a quick and effective solution to losing fat and toning at the same time. Once you begin this workout you will be amazed at how your energy level is increased. The secret to Barry's Boot camp workout is you are not working harder but smarter. His more efficient program leads to a more effective way to spend your workout time.

After moving to Los Angeles, Barry Jay who is the founder of Barrys Bookcamp, took a position working for a fitness studio located in Hollywood. In just a year he had developed a program that was so successful that his classes were sold out. By 1998 the workout became known as Barrys Bootcamp and grew in fame world-wide. It is now called the Best Workout in the World. What makes this workout so successful is the combination of Barry's drill-sergeant tactics, the enjoyable atmosphere and the motivational tactics used by the professional trainers.

People who use the Bootcamp workout feel that they accomplish more than they ever thought they could by following the instructions and enjoying the music of the DVD. Most feel that this DVD is just like having a personal trainer available to them 24/7.

The DVD Bootcamp workout includes cardio and weight lifting working all the muscles at once. The philosophy of the workout is it should be fun combined with discipline. Consistency is the key. It makes you feel good about yourself once you are finished and good about yourself for the progress that you are making. The program is designed to help you work your way up to a greater endurance.

As you watch the DVD you will see real people working out at different levels just like you will see when you go to a real gym. The group is in unison only when the instructor asks for a count. Just like in the infomercial, the music is excellent. The entire body is addressed by different phases of the workout so you can pinpoint any areas you wish to address with each phase beginning and ending with the warm-up exercises.

Everything you need in the way of instruction and motivation is there for you to use anytime you want in Barrys Bootcamp DVD. The sooner you begin using the advanced techniques of this DVD the sooner you will being seeing your body transformed.

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Stress Free Accommodation Considerations

By Monique Mertrandes

Though vacations are supposed to be the time to be care free and just take it easy, the scheduling and arrangements that should be done before you start your vacation can be exhausting. Sometimes, it feels like you have to attend to a million and one things - the accommodations, travel bookings, deciding what to bring, and many more. Just thinking about the tasks can already be tiring but you should not allow yourself to be harassed by the multitude of decisions to be made.

For starter, if you opt for a vacation in Breckenridge, Colorado, you have settled the major component of your vacation planning-the destination.

While you are coping with having to decide whether you'll stay in a condo, in a hotel or have ski-in, ski-out accommodations, you will arrive at the right decision faster if you can picture what you want to do during your vacation. Following are some of the strategic factors that will help you choose the right accommodation.

Where do you want to stay? In assessing which accommodations to take, visualize yourself during your vacation. Do you want to be skiing early in the morning, or are you very interested in socializing in the Breckenridge bars and cafes? It is possible that you are not the type who enjoys interacting with a lot of people but would want peace and quiet. Your planned means of transportation will also help you choose your accommodations. Will you have your car with you so that long distances won't be a problem? Or you would prefer to be within walking distance from everything you want to explore in Breckenridge?

Price You Can Afford. Unmistakably, most people think of the price before finalizing any vacation plan. Getting the cheapest option is not always a good deal. Make sure you do not get a dull or drab room that will only give you a depressed disposition during your vacation. Adding a few bucks usually gives you a much better place to stay.

Amenities. For another time, review your expected needs while on vacation. Will it be necessary to book accommodations that provide access to saunas, swimming pools and other amenities? If the accommodation under consideration has amenities that you will not have any use for, look for another option. Otherwise, you're wasting money. Also, make sure to verify if the lodging place has the features that you'll need during your vacation, like a fully furnished kitchen. Are you looking to have extra space for your family and other visitors? In this case, a hotel room may end up as too crowded for you and your visitors.

Time Frame. Take note that Breckenridge like other places has seasonal changes. Plan your vacation arrangements according to the season you plan to stay there. Now, it is apparent that the choice of accommodations begin with knowing what your needs are. For example, if you are in Breckenridge for a few days only, the best accommodation might be a small condo unit. Although if you are planning to stay for more than a few days, you might be more comfortable billeted in a vacation home.

Obviously, a crucial factor to a stress-free plan for a vacation knows what you and your vacation buddies want to do while in Breckenridge. As the organizer and planner, it is important to survey the members who will go with you on a vacation. For you to know what they intend to do while in Breckenridge.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For Maximum Convenience, Use a Golf Cart Instead of Walking

By Soeren Golferson

There are many advantages to using a golf cart rather than walking between holes on the course. But, properly using one without bothering other golfers can be a challenge. Let's examine some of the many benefits of using a cart, and how to be considerate when using one.

The most obvious advantage of using a cart is that you won't have to walk. Courses can be very large, and walkers who have to carry their golf bags will soon become tired, even if they're in good shape. A golf cart prevents this. In addition, you can carry more with you if you choose to use a cart.

You'll also stay sheltered from poor weather. If you walk when it's more than 80 degrees or so outside, you'll find that you quickly become tired and overheated in the sweltering weather. But if you take a cart along with plenty of fluids to keep you hydrated, you'll avoid sapping your energy from excessive heat. Driving a golf cart will help you avoid heat exhaustion on the summer, and will keep you dry in the pouring spring and fall rains.

However, if you don't often use a cart, you may have trouble remembering when to move it, or realizing how to drive it effectively. That could send you running back and forth and cause you to get in other golfers' way, making the cart more trouble than it's worth.

Make sure you're careful when using a cart on wet grass or when the ground is damp. If the area is muddy, you should avoid it. Many courses will ask you not to drive on the rough to minimize the impact. Remember that if your partner is in the driver's seat and is old enough to drive the cart, you should assume he or she will be doing the driving.

Discuss ahead of time who will move the cart. This way, you won't forget about it and have to walk back for it. Be sure to get back on the cart path as you approach the green, and always remember to bring the appropriate clubs with you. Be willing to bring your partner's clubs if needed. When you see facilities nearby, make sure to ask your partner to take a rest stop if necessary.

Plan ahead about where you'll place the cart. A good strategy is to park where it can provide shade if there are no trees or buildings nearby. If you are driving the cart and you partner's ball is next in play, pull up around the right side of the ball with the ball placed mid-way down the cart's length. This way, your partner will have less distance to cover.

Never drive your cart while other players are hitting, and make sure not to move in front of them. When parking near the green, park the cart on the side where you'll walk off the green. When the ball is on the side or top of a hill, park nearby, but don't drive on the hill, as this can be dangerous.

Know how close you are to the green by reading the distance or paying attention to shrubs and other landmarks, and estimate how far your stroke is likely to send the ball. If you don't know what club you need, bring whichever ones you think may be necessary. This way you'll avoid walking back and forth to and from the cart several times.

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Unlimited Body Massage with Massage Chair Recliners

By Jim C Nolan

One of the most pleasurable and relaxing experiences is getting a whole body massage. All the built up tensions, anxieties and stresses start to melt away as the massage is performed. When people think of massages, they think of a massage therapist working them over little by little to calm and relaxing music. There is something very special about a massage from a trained specialist. Another effective alternative to a massage therapist is a massage chair.

Interestingly, most people think of a massage chair as a luxury. In some cases it certainly is a luxury. However, the impression people have is that massage chairs are expensive. And they are right if you only look at the price tag and not the lifetime value of the massage chair. A massage chair is actually the most cost effective massage treatment available. It can run as little as a dollar a day and no tip required. Now, most people think massage recliners just massage your back. In reality, massage chairs perform whole body massages.

An advanced massage recliner made by Panasonic performs whole body massage. The EP 30004 comes equipped with specialized rollers for the back, neck and shoulders. For the lower body the Real Pro Ultra has an air compression system. The air compression system powers 22 airbags throughout the seat, leg rest and armrests. This system provides gentle or firm compression massage to soothe and relieve aching muscles.

You do not have to go to the spa to relax, if you have the Omega Montage Premier Massage chair. The Montage Premier provides a thorough full body massage from your head to your toes. Additionally, the Montage comes with full body heat, where you can apply heat in the back, seat and the leg rest. The Montage Premier has a built in MP3 player so you can put on the included headphones and relax to your favorite music during the massage. This recliner also has a music synchronization function. This function will massage you to the rhythm of your music.

The features that are being added into massage chairs increases every year. The massage programs keep getting more varied and include many more techniques like Hawaiian, Swedish, deep tissue, shiatsu and many more. More complimentary functions are being added such as lower body traction which extends the muscles and ligaments of the lower body. The back massage rollers contain more finger-like mechanisms that replicate the movements of hands. The technology keeps advancing and coupled with software has produced a tremendous variety of massage therapies.

The gap between massage therapist and massage chair is decreasing at a faster rate. Technology is driving the sophistication of the massage therapies that can be delivered. These technologies are literally enveloping the whole body with effective massage therapy. These massage recliner companies keep applying more and more knowledge to their software. Many massage techniques can be integrated into massage recliners with software programs. They can control the movements, durations, sensations and many other factors all simultaneously. There are some amazing sensations which provide effect relief from tightness or soreness. Imagine having a tireless mechanical masseuse at your disposal 24/7. Having a full body massage can work wonders on your perspective of the world. Come home and plop in the recliner. Slip on the headphones and let the massage chair recliner ease your aches and pains.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why And How To Choose The Right Muscle Building Supplement For You

By Ricardo d Argence

Good tone always refers to good music, right? Wrong! The term "'tone" is also relevant to the state and quality of your muscles. A healthy, fit, and, for that matter, attractive person should possess well-toned muscles. Muscle building relates to creating the latter. Let's take a look at what muscle building really means.

Muscle building isn't an activity that just men can participate in, though that is truly one of the biggest misconceptions. Muscle building does have the potential to create huge muscles, but that isn't all it's for. It also promotes muscle health, so that you will be strong, but you won't have a lot of flesh hanging off of you.

You probably lead a rather hectic life, so there are going to be times in which you wonder how you'll even find the time to build muscles when you have a job and family life to consider.

That's a good question! Fortunately, there's also a good answer available to this question and it centers on bolstering your diet with health food supplements. You can discover for yourself that there are a lot of these available in the marketplace.

They promise good toning and quick burning of fat so if they work well, they'll definitely assist your body's muscle building process and are therefore good for you.

But now it would be wise to warn you. Remember that health food supplements function by putting chemicals into your body. These chemical exist mainly to control stress and fatigue.

For instance, Glutamine is one of them. Oxides of nitrate or even nitric acid are two others. Proteins and enzymes will be there too. Generally speaking, these items are harmless and your body will absorb without fuss the small supplemental quantity being administered into your body. Soon enough, you're likely to feel fit and muscle-toned. Sure, you'll also be thrilled!

You can choose the health food supplements on your own, and there are tons of them all over store shelves, regardless, you should not pick one randomly.

These additives that were aforementioned might have some negative side effects. You don't need to fret over it, just know that nitric acid has been known to cause some problems with a person's sex drive.

I think it's a very good idea, therefore, to consult the family doctor before beginning your health food supplements regimen. He'll tell you what's best for you. It's even possible some additives can be found in natural products like fruits and vegetables so a properly adjusted diet will do the job, as simple as that. So while taking health food supplements are probably good for you, prior medical advice is recommended.

All of the above taken together will show you a body with well-toned muscles when you stand in front of a tall mirror!

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Carpal Tunnel Exercises Similar To Yoga

By Tom Nicholson

Whether it's you or someone you know, experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome is uncomfortable. Watching someone go through the daily hassles and pain is an unfortunate sight to see. If it continues, it can turn into paralysis and ruin their working lives.

While there are several ways to fight off this syndrome, you will find the most effective ones are the small ones. Things like the way you sit, how you work throughout the day, and lining up the computer are just to name a few. Let's take the next few minutes to talk about them.


One of the first things you need to do to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from sinking in would be to correct the posture of your body as you work in front of a computer or on a desk.

If you are constantly working with a computer, you have to learn what to do with your hands. See, they have to be level and your keyboard and mouse must do the same. Once you get this out of the way you should have your monitor positioned to your eye level. All of these small little adjustments can change your posture and reduce the strain on your body. Plus it will reduce the risk as well.


One oft overlooked preventive measure against carpal tunnel syndrome is to simply get up and walk around every half hour. Whether you will get up to get a drink or to simply stretch a little, a regular schedule of getting up an moving releases pressure on your nerves and joints, preventing them from taking too much stress and degrading over time. This simple activity of getting up and taking a break every now and then can mean the difference between normal development and a lifetime of pain and paralysis.

Carpal Tunnel Exercise with Yoga

Do you remember when yoga first became popular when using it with carpal tunnel? Even if you never tried it, you probably spent nights at home surfing the net and coming across some information. The idea is to fix it before it occurs.

The strengthened mind and body that results from regularly taking yoga sessions helps ease up pressure build-ups on the nerves and joints, while the resulting mental clarity helps you deal with stress; something that takes a high physical toll over the years.

Genetics and the Body

Let's face it, some people are genetically pre-disposed to having carpal tunnel syndrome while others are not. But this does not change the fact that every person has the initiative to live a healthier lifestyle; giving your genes a harder time to implement sickness or disease that you have inherited from your ancestors. Eat right, exercise right, handle your stress properly and you're already taking the first step in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome from taking root in your body.

Take a few moments and think about everything you read here today. If you truly want to help yourself or someone you know prevent carpal tunnel from getting worse or even keeping it from happening you should start by using the simple steps above. While the results will be minimal in the beginning, they will be much more apparent as the days go by.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Benefits and Claims Of Acai Berry Diet

By Dana Hawkes

There are multiple benefits and claims to the acai berry diet. Many believe that the acai berry diet can help you to lose weight. The acai berry diet also claims to be able to help you to cleanse your body. Those who are looking for a quick detox or a quick cleanse may wind up turning to the acai berry diet.

The claim is simple. The acai berry diet is supposed to help you remove toxins from your body through a cleansing process. The acai berry diet cleansing process features two major beverages; the acai berry diet juice, and the acai berry diet cleansing juice.

The acai berry diet juice is a 100% acai berry juice that helps to get the acai into your system. The claims made by the acai berry diet companies revolve around the fact that the acai helps to do the cleansing. This is why the pure acai berry juice is so important.

The acai berry diet cleansing process finishes with a cleansing juice. This juice is usually purchased through the company offering the acai berry diet. This juice features all natural ingredients, such as vegetables and fruits. The role of this drink is to replace what you should be getting from most foods in beverage form. Generally, a cleansing process removes many types of food and replaces them with liquids.

The acai berry diet may be an excellent way to cleanse the body. Unfortunately, there are no major scientific findings that help to advance the claims of the diet companies. The acai berry diet should be looked at as an alternative. While it may not work, it is healthy. It won't hurt to try it out as a cleansing diet.

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Lose Weight Using Acai

By Dana Hawkes

Weight is a budding issue in many societies across the globe. We can attribute this to things such as genetics, poor diet, or lack of exercise, and it is something that should be addressed as early as possible. Throughout the years, we have seen products being thrown at this problem, and even medical procedures that are very dangerous. These vary in success, but there is also the option to lose weight with acai.

The basis of any successful diet is exercise, but for many people, there is nothing wrong with getting the help of some other outside source. The acai is perfect for this, with rooted in the area of weight loss. It is essentially perfect for the job.

It gives energy, giving those who have the urge to work out just that. It can encourage the person who is not generally up for the task, and also has high fiber content, perfect for digestive purposes.

The anti-oxidants in this berry is great for detoxifying the body of things that it doesn't need, which is an added bonus. Spending money on these dangerous products and procedures are really a waste, especially when there is a cost-effective solution right in front of you.

It is great for other things as well, especially for the heart. In most cases, those with extra weight could really use some help in the heart area, as the fat really wears the heart down. The other products can so exactly the opposite, and in some times, be even fatal. This is obviously counter-productive, and people who just want to improve the quality of their lives should not have to worry about things like this.

In short, stop expenses on these products that will not work for you, choose the safer alternative that people have been using as a adequate weight loss measure for years!

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Massage Chair Loosens Chiropractic Patients

By Jim G Nolan

Do you know that chiropractors only use natural treatments to loosen up their patients? This is one of the main differences between a chiropractor and other types of doctors. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs. Instead, they are taught to heal the body naturally. There are a variety of tools at a chiropractor's disposal to help rehabilitate the spine. One such tool that is gaining popularity is the use of massage chairs to loosen up the tight back muscles of patients.

Most people do not realize that the art of chiropractic medicine started in ancient Egypt. Many different treatments have evolved throughout the years to help restore the health of the spine. Natural treatments are preferred as they are much more sustainable than other types of treatments.

Chiropractic medicine was formally given its name by the ancient Greeks. The word chiropractor actually means treatments done by hand. The long tradition of this healing art is by using natural therapies to restore the health of the spine.

Chiropractors provide a variety of treatments to help restore the health of the spine. This is a complicated area of the body involving any different parts. The spine is composed of small bones called disc. These discs are stacked on top of one another and held together by soft tissues.

The spine is very important for your mobility. One major function that it performs is the transfer of weight between the upper and lower portions of the body. The other major function that it performs is to absorb shocks. When you perform an activity such as jumping, the spine must absorb this energy.

If you have a problem with your back, then a chiropractor will perform a diagnostic. The doctor is searching for the major cause of your pain and discomfort. They also have a variety of natural treatments at their disposal once they have found the main cause of the problem.

Some of the typical therapies used by chiropractors may include the application of heat, electrical stimulation, massage chair therapy and manipulation of the spine. These treatments help to relax the muscles of back and to correct the alignment of the spine.

Many chiropractic doctors are utilizing massage chairs in their practice. They performed a variety of therapeutic treatments at the touch of a button. Most commonly they are used to loosen up tight back muscles prior to making alignments to the spinal column.

Massage chairs provide many other benefits besides massage therapy. Massage chairs are equipped with traction systems, heating elements and even music players. They perform full body massages in a relatively short time. They also provide for consistent massage therapy.

Massage chairs are the lowest cost provider of massage therapy. The typical massage chair has a life of 2000 hours. Although, they may cost $3000, they are designed to last for a long time. If you divide the cost of the massage chair by the number of hours of massage therapy you would get a cost of $1.50 per hour. This is much lower than having to pay a massage therapist to be on staff.

Many patients enjoy receiving a massage. It provides a relaxing environment with an MP3 player and headphones. Music helps the patient to relax while the massage chair provides full body massage therapy.

Why not get the same massage treatment that you can receive from your chiropractor? Massage chairs are a tremendous convenience to receive daily massage therapy. They are available based on your schedule and can perform a variety of massage treatments on demand.

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Washington, DC Personal Trainer Reveals His Top Five Fitness Foods

By Josef Brandenburg

With all the choices people are given today about what foods and exercises are good for them, no carbs, no fat, vegetarian, low fat, without the proper guidance it can be a bit too much to handle. However, with the help and support of Washington, DC's top personal fitness trainer, you can be on the right road to healthier eating and exercising. I take pride in being a top personal trainer in Washington, DC and I am dedicated to helping people like you achieve your health goals.

1. Grass Fed Beef: Beef being at the top of the list even though it has high fat content, shouldn't surprise you. Besides tasting great, it is high in protein, fat burning CLA and omega 3 fatty acids while being low in saturated fats. You must remember that what was fed to what you eat is just as important as what you eat! Also keep in mind that not all beef is created equal.

2. Turkey Bacon: Crumbled in salads or as a side dish for a breakfast of egg white omelet, I think you will find, as I do, that this is one tasty dish. It is high in protein and extremely versatile making it one of my favorites.

3. Berries: Sweet and wonderful. Whether they are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, they are considered a number one super food. Packed with vitamins, anti oxidants and healthy phytochemicals. Funny thing is that they are relatively low in sugar, when they are ripe taste as sweet as the sweetest candy. A great suggestion is to stop eating that nutrient deficient cereal and toast for breakfast and try replacing it with a bowl of sweet berries for breakfast instead. They are so much better for you and will wake up your boring taste buds as well. Try it once and I can guarantee you'll never look back.

4. Spinach: Popeye was on to something here. Spinach is tasty and versatile. You can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack if you so choose. It is loaded with Beta carotene to help prevent cataracts, Vitamin c to boost your immune system and leutin to protect against macular degeneration. You can have a spinach omelet for breakfast, a spinach salad for lunch and some of that grass fed beef with a side serving of spinach for dinner. Does that sound like you are being deprived? I don't think so!

5. Shrimp: Ready to serve in less than two minutes, it is a very lean protein. With shrimp, you will be offered vitamin D for your bones, vitamin b12 which gives energy, selenium for an antioxidant. At only 112 calories per 4 oz, serving shrimp is high in protein and low in fat. What isn't perfect about that?

Being one of Washington, DC's top personal trainers, I am confident that you will get a wealth of benefits from trying the top five super foods I have listed above. Not only will your taste buds thank you but also you will be doing a lot of good for your body and your health.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Body Work With A Massage Chair

By Jim N Nolon

There are a multitude of technologies being integrated into massage chairs. They have capabilities to provide a number of therapeutic treatments. Massage chairs run from sophisticated software to provide full body massage capabilities. Easy to use remotes put most treatments at a touch of a button. Imagine receiving a number of body work treatments on demand.

People are beginning to recognize the importance of relieving stress and relaxation. These are natural ways of coping with stress and anxiety. Increasingly, massage chairs are being used to provide many different body work treatments.

Massage chairs provide a little bit of sanctuary to receive your treatment. They are built to be plush and comfortable to enhance your relaxation experience. Many have extra padding and layers of cushions. These can be added or removed to provide the perfect level of massage.

Massage chairs provide a number of massage therapies which function at the touch of a button. They contain programs that perform shiatsu, Swedish, reflexology, sports and acupressure massage techniques. These provide for a soothing and relaxing of the body and mind.

Massage therapy can be targeted to specific areas. There are specialized techniques used to remove stiffness or not. Additionally, you can find programs to relieve areas or regions. And of course, they have the capability to provide full body massage.

Air compression systems are frequently utilize to provide relaxing massages to larger muscle groups. Frequently the arms and legs are massage using gentle air pressure. This compression massage can be very relieving to stiff and sore muscles. It provides a firm hold, squeeze and release.

light exercise and stretching. Massage chairs have built-in stretching systems. These stretching systems have capabilities to stretch out the upper body and lower body. Stretching helps to keep the muscles flexible.

A lower body traction system is used to stretch the hips, legs and ankles. This helps to relieve stiffness and soreness in the larger muscle groups of the legs. The leg rest is used to hold the feet. It is then raised and then lowered slowly. This helps to stretch out the entire lower body.

Massage chairs are capable of providing body work in the form of stretching to the upper body. The stretching system consists of inflating the arm airbags which will hold the wrist area. The back of the seat will then slowly recline providing a gentle stretching of the arms and shoulders. This helps to elongate the muscles helping with flexibility.

Another soothing therapy that is being offered in many massage chairs is heat. These recliners have in equipped with heating elements has been located throughout the chair. The user can activate or deactivate different heaters in the chair. This enables the user to target the specific area to receive heat.

Many times the art of relaxation is to get the mind to relax. When the mind continues to focus on its problems, it is hard for the body to relax physically. Massage chairs are equipped with built-in music players. They provide headphones to create a soothing and relaxing environment.

These are just some of the amazing features being constantly added to massage chairs. These recliners are available in many different price ranges. They are certainly the most economic way to receive frequent body work. They can perform a number of body work treatments. The best thing about a massage chair is its constant availability. Restore your balance and harmony with frequent massage chair therapy.

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Tips To Choosing A Good Chiropractor

By Michael Peterson

The main reason most people see a Chiropractor is to help with back or neck problems. Chiropractic technology has advance significantly over the last few decades and the techniques that chiropractors use to achieve proper spinal alignment have also improved.

It has been said that many diseases have their origins in dislocations of vertebral column. For this reason, chiropractors use different diagnostic tools to determine if there is an alignment problem.

Some chiropractors have become practitioners of holistic methods of wellness. It is very true that lifestyle choices and posture can have a significant impact on health, and chiropractic treatment helps many. It is, however, important to remain alert to warning signs that you may need to see a different chiropractor.

Seeing a chiropractor for help with vertebrae alignment and pain reduction will often require multiple visits. There may need to be numerous treatments of heat, ultrasound, muscle stimulation, adjustments or other treatments to achieve the desired outcome. If the chiropractor insists that you to sign up for ongoing treatments long after the pain has disappeared, it may be smart for you to get a second opinion.

If your chiropractor insists on treating areas of your body that do not hurt, you should ask why. If the explanation does not satisfy you, you should seek a second opinion. If, for instance, the doctor keeps wanting to adjust your neck when it is your lower back that hurts, you should start asking questions.

Many chiropractic schools provide significant training on nutrition and supplementation. If your doctor insists that you purchase many expensive supplements you should be wary and do some more research. Oftentimes, the same ingredients can be found online or at health food stores at much more affordable prices.

Many chiropractors may need to use x-rays to rule out fractures, identify dislocations or bone disease/arthritis. These will likely be taken if you have sustained a recent injury and are in considerable pain and discomfort or your history and an examination indicates you may have arthritis. If the chiropractor insists on taking many additional x-rays or if you do not have pain in the area the chiropractor is going to x-ray, you should as them to explain in detail why the x-ray is necessary and perhaps get a second opinion.

If you have seen the chiropractor a number of times and you are not getting better, they should be willing to refer you to another Doctor. You should not have to ask for a referral or continue to get treatment with no positive results.

Finally, when you are checking out a chiropractor to see if you want to use their services, you should do a search online for any customer testimonials or reviews. If there are many happy customers and it appears that the practice is thriving, then the chiropractic clinic is most likely very reputable. If, however, there are many negative reviews, you may want to look at a different chiropractor.

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