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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kick Your Fat Gut To The Curb With These 3 Effective Exercises

By Chaz Michael Michaelson

The Crunch: For this exercise lie down on your back and put your hands to the side of your head. Pull your knees in and slowly raise your head up until you feel a nice strong pull in your stomach muscles. The only tension should be in your abdominal muscles. Now pull in tight using your ab muscles. Try and do this slow and steady for best results. Shoot for 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

You will know that its working well when you feel a slight pull in the abs, and your begin to lose strength. Keep the tension in your muscles limited to the abs for maximum effect. Relax your neck and back.

The Abdominal Plank: This exercise although simple is very effective at strengthening your entire core. All you need to do is start like you're going to do a push-up. Lower yourself to a position where you are resting on your forearms. Hold your back perfectly straight. This is a simple gravity exercise that works the entire core. Do this for as long as you can stand then do it 10 times.

How do you know when it's working: When your stomach is pulled in, your back is straight and you find it difficult to maintain the stance, you are performing this exercise correctly.

Reverse Crunch Exercise - This exercise is a milder version of the crunch and has its purpose. Either for the one requiring an easier start or for the purpose of more sets. The exercise is simply a matter of lying on your back with the legs extended to the sky. You can bend your knees if necessary. Bring your knees toward your abdominals. Once you can't bring them in any closer, tighten your abs and hold. release and repeat. Try 4 sets of 15 to start.

If you are doing everything correctly you will feel it in your lower abdominals. If your gut is a bit on the heavy side then you may need to do some additional cardiovascular exercises to assist in the trimming down process. Even with the fat you can build your abdominals, but they won't show through the fat. It's kind of like being in bed naked. You may be hot but the comforter hides everything.

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