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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to Fast Forward Your Metabolism

By Jimmy Warren

Burning calories really seems to be one of the buzzwords, at least with people who wish to lose some weight. Critically though, people must understand that losing calories entirely depends on the rate of metabolism.

Genetics contribute to this, but anyways, you will find that men burn calories faster than women. Age, gender or genetics " These are things out of our control. And thus, attributing this as crucial factors for your metabolic activities could be a mistake at best. Remember, you dont need to do anything special for a good rate of metabolism.

Did you know that your body burns calories even without you doing anything at all? Well, just so you know, the body burns 6 calories even while resting. Thats quite a lot when you think about it.

Sufficient water intake is really critical for your metabolic activities, with the only reason that good supply of water ensures burning a lot of calories. People who drink about 8 glasses of water a day report a good amount of calories burnt as opposed to people who gulp down about 4 glasses of water or less.

Some studies have revealed that drinking 8 glasses of water has helped a lot of people keep track of their metabolic activities.

You should ideally drink a glass of water just before your meal or snack. You should also prefer eating fruits and vegetables, both of which are extremely rich in fluids. The more fluids you intake, the better it is for your metabolism.

Preferably, eat 3-4 short meals with a gap of an hour or two. This will keep your metabolic cycle running at all times, which can only be beneficial for you.

And yet, a lot of people believe in eating two heavy meals throughout the day. This is not good, as it slows your metabolism down in a big way. Rather, try eating four short bursts, and see the impact it has on your metabolic activities. Surely, eating 3-4 light meals will keep your metabolic activities on track.

Eating food devoid of spices may go soft on your intestines, but it certainly does not help the metabolic activities. Include some green chilly in your diet, and you will see a certain hike in your metabolic activities. One of the main reasons for this is that these spices do have some chemical ingredient in them that simulates metabolic activities.

And here is a no-brainer for you " If you wish to burn calories fast, take in a lot of proteins, as opposed to carbs or fats. Proteins will help you burn calories faster than these foods. Importantly, what you should do is spice up your pasta with some red flakes, if you really are a pasta fan.

Different foods and drinks do have some amount of impact on the rate of metabolism, but the impact is considerably less as compared to what you could do by exercising on a regular basis.

Regular exercising is just the way you can ensure that metabolic activities can be maintained well.

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