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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Establishing and Attaining Weight Loss Goals

By Matthew Roberts

To achieve your goal of permanent weight loss, it's important to understand that the approach you take can make or break your success. In order to lose weight, you must set the proper daily goals and use effective strategies for implementing your plan and evaluating your results. This will allow you to make any necessary modifications based on the results you see.

How can you choose the right weight loss goal? First, it's important that your expectations are realistic about how much you'll lose over a given time period. If you choose an impossible goal, this will ultimately lead to discouragement and you will abandon your weight loss efforts. But how can you determine a realistic goal?

1. Remember that your goal is long term, sustainable weight loss. There is no rush, and you will be more successful with a slow and steady approach. Most professionals agree that a target of losing 5 to 10 percent of your starting weight is reasonable. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, try to lose 7.5 to 15 pounds. This is a healthy weight loss.

2. Crunch the numbers to set a realistic time frame for your weight loss. This is crucial for your health. For instance, a weight loss of 10 pounds can be achieved in 5 weeks. But to lose 20 pounds, you should allow for no less than 10 weeks.

3. Focus on setting short terms goals. Think about your goals as a series of stages. If you focus, for example, on losing two pounds this week, you're more likely to stay motivated and on task to make sure you hit your target. If you are too focused on the long term future, it can be tempting to cheat and think you can make it up later. Also, it's worth repeating that slow weight loss is healthy weight loss. The changes that you make in your eating habits are just as important as losing weight itself. Without integrating these chances into your routine permanently, there is no way you can maintain your weight loss.

One other important consideration is self assessment.

Track your results. Weigh yourself daily, or at least weekly. Do be aware that your weight fluctuates naturally due to fluid retention and other factors, so daily weigh-ins are sometimes misleading. If you notice over the course of the week that you aren't hitting your targets, you will want to adjust your diet or exercise routine.

Consider keeping a food journal. Research indicates that people who keep a food diary can lose up to twice as much weight. A food diary is like a map that can help you identify patterns in food and caloric intakes. This will allow you to more easily make adjustments if you find you are gaining weight, or are not losing quickly enough.

Weight loss takes time, and it's important not to rush the process. If you do, you may end up giving up. By taking it easy, you are more likely to stay motivated to stick with it. Realize that weight loss isn't just the road to a better body; it's also an investment in a longer and healthier life.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

By Robert Kaufman

Many men and women, even those who are in perfect shape, spend a lot of time worrying about their weight and the state of their health. For those who want to lose weight, these thoughts may dominate their daily lives. They try plans and programs, only to be disappointed. They are often on a perpetual search for the successful weight loss secret. The problem with this is that there really are no weight loss secrets.

Big drug companies and doctors have spent many hours and dollars researching and developing weight lose products only to find themselves going back to basics. In the past 10 years there have been many a pill, patch or tonic that touted great weight lose properties. Most turn out to be dangerous or just don't work.

If you are looking for weight loss secrets, you may find that you already know them. Eating smaller portions and getting plenty of exercise is the only tried and true method. Along with this, you have to maintain that weight loss by completely changing your lifestyle.

Eating at fast food establishments is not a good habit to start with and must absolutely be stopped for any belly fat lose success. This is what is meant by a lifestyle change. The pounds do not come off easily and will return very quickly if your old habits are resumed.

There are many weight lose cures out on the market today, and they will encourage you to loose a lot of weight very fast but this is not healthy or long lasting. Always get your doctors advice before you begin. Your doctor will more often than not tell you to get the lbs off. You can calculate your BMI, or body weight index a number of places on the internet to find out your healthy weight. Pace yourself! Lose a little each week and you will eventually attain your goal. Losing 10 lbs in 1 week may sound great but it is a pipedream and not healthy.

If you are looking for weight loss secrets in a bottle, make sure you talk to your doctor about it first. Some herbs and natural supplements can interact with other drugs with disastrous results. Products like Ephedra turned out to be unsafe, and were pulled from the market. Though it worked for some people, others paid dearly for trying it.

When you are committed to REALLY getting the weight off you can and will dedicate yourself to your new lifestyle. Get advice from friends and family that have experience in losing weight. Join Weight Watchers or some other group of like minded people. Support helps lots of people stick to it. Ultimately it is up to no one but you and there is no weight lose secret. It is just darn hard work.

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Is The Mediterranean Diet A Fad Diet

By Ron George

The Mediterranean diet is a diet based on eating the foods folks who live in the Mediterranean basin eat. The Mediterranean basin is an area that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea and has mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. This area includes areas of France, the Iberian Peninsula, the Italian peninsula, and the Balkan Peninsula. It also includes areas of the Sahara desert, and Africa.

The most known form of the Mediterranean diet was created in the mid-1990s by a Harvard health professor named Walter Willett. The diet calls for regular physical activity, along with abundant plant food, fresh fruit as a dessert, olive oil, dairy products, fish and poultry, up to four eggs each week, red meat in small amounts, and wine.

The diet strictly control fat so that only a total of about 35% of calories come from fat. Experts consider it a high fiber diet. It became popular in the 1990's, but the Mediterranean diet has been around since 1945.

The Mediterranean diet substitutes olive oil in place of animal fats used by many Americans. Olive oil is known to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as blood sugar and blood pressure. Studies show that olive oil helps prevent ulcers and is an effective treatment for certain types of ulcers, as well as important for preventing cancer. Antioxidant elements in red wine, an important part of the Mediterranean diet, are also beneficial.

Versions of the Mediterranean diet are recommended by the American Heart Association. The association is anxious about the high amount of fat in the Mediterranean diet. They say obesity is a growing health concern in the Mediterranean basin.

The AHA does take comfort in the fact that mono saturated fats such as those found in olive oil don't raise cholesterol levels. Researchers aren't sure whether better health in the Mediterranean basin is due to diet or the fact they get a lot of exercise, mostly from walking.

Look around the Internet for more information on the Mediterranean diet.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to Fast Forward Your Metabolism

By Jimmy Warren

Burning calories really seems to be one of the buzzwords, at least with people who wish to lose some weight. Critically though, people must understand that losing calories entirely depends on the rate of metabolism.

Genetics contribute to this, but anyways, you will find that men burn calories faster than women. Age, gender or genetics " These are things out of our control. And thus, attributing this as crucial factors for your metabolic activities could be a mistake at best. Remember, you dont need to do anything special for a good rate of metabolism.

Did you know that your body burns calories even without you doing anything at all? Well, just so you know, the body burns 6 calories even while resting. Thats quite a lot when you think about it.

Sufficient water intake is really critical for your metabolic activities, with the only reason that good supply of water ensures burning a lot of calories. People who drink about 8 glasses of water a day report a good amount of calories burnt as opposed to people who gulp down about 4 glasses of water or less.

Some studies have revealed that drinking 8 glasses of water has helped a lot of people keep track of their metabolic activities.

You should ideally drink a glass of water just before your meal or snack. You should also prefer eating fruits and vegetables, both of which are extremely rich in fluids. The more fluids you intake, the better it is for your metabolism.

Preferably, eat 3-4 short meals with a gap of an hour or two. This will keep your metabolic cycle running at all times, which can only be beneficial for you.

And yet, a lot of people believe in eating two heavy meals throughout the day. This is not good, as it slows your metabolism down in a big way. Rather, try eating four short bursts, and see the impact it has on your metabolic activities. Surely, eating 3-4 light meals will keep your metabolic activities on track.

Eating food devoid of spices may go soft on your intestines, but it certainly does not help the metabolic activities. Include some green chilly in your diet, and you will see a certain hike in your metabolic activities. One of the main reasons for this is that these spices do have some chemical ingredient in them that simulates metabolic activities.

And here is a no-brainer for you " If you wish to burn calories fast, take in a lot of proteins, as opposed to carbs or fats. Proteins will help you burn calories faster than these foods. Importantly, what you should do is spice up your pasta with some red flakes, if you really are a pasta fan.

Different foods and drinks do have some amount of impact on the rate of metabolism, but the impact is considerably less as compared to what you could do by exercising on a regular basis.

Regular exercising is just the way you can ensure that metabolic activities can be maintained well.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Weight Loss Tips by Taking Baby Steps

By Jose Grinden

Whilst going through the process of losing weight, too many people jump onto the newest fad diet, or new this or that hoping to be shedding several pounds rapidly so that they can appear slimmer for a notable occurrence that's happening in the coming weeks.

That's all well and good if they only want to lose that weight in the short term. They certainly should not be too amazed when it all comes back to haunt them shortly following that all important date! That's due to the fact that short term diets and other weight loss methods just are not successful.

They usually fail as the person doing them generally does not have the required motivation to keep doing the good work they started out doing. This can occur for a variety of reasons. But the most common of these is that they merely failed to enjoy losing weight. There is no truth in that they didn't love seeing the final goal, naturally! It was the procedure that got them to that point that they didn't like!

As such when it comes to victoriously losing weight, the key is to make sure the process of losing weight is such fun, that the person doing it will stick with it. Of course when anyone stays with a weight loss program in the long run, they may not only lose the quantity of weight that they yearn to lose, but they are inclined to keep it off.

So what are the most successful weight loss tips to fulfill that long term intention?

Well, it is pretty uncomplicated to stick to a diet that is stimulating and diverse, rather than one that is uninteresting and inflexible. It's also more simple to stick with an exercise routine that is fun to do and flexible rather than one which is hard work and more closely resembles an army fitness regime.

So the clue to the most uncomplicated of weight loss tips is to make it agreeable, enjoyable, stimulating and varied and then the unwanted weight will not only fall away, but it will stay off too!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eliminate Your Cravings And Succesfully Lose Weight With This Natural Weapon

By Debbie Vera

Getting fat is an easy task. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to make your body keep on storing unwanted fats. However, this will never be a healthy hobby. Unfortunately, losing your weight is not as easy as gaining it. This task may take some time and extra effort to achieve a nice body. And since this is not so easy to do, some people would rather prefer to keep their current extra weight or rather, continue gaining it.

One of the top weight loss products in the market today is acai berry. While there are many products out there that will promise you a fast weight loss; most are to good to be true. The results achieved with acai berry are nothing short of spectacular. Therefore the acai berry has been able to create a loud noise in the market place and is now widely trusted by comsumers.

Brazil gave birth to this acai berry. This berry grows in the rainforest of Brazil and is now one of the most effective ingredients contained in weight loss products. The acai berry weight loss can help you lose your weight faster than you think. Unfortunately, there are some products that claim to be super effective when it comes to weight loss agenda and assert that they are the best acai berry weight loss product.

An authentic acai berry weight loss product allows you to be on your best outfit again. If you are tired of wearing extra large clothes, want to improve your agility, and wish to touch your toenails easily, then acai berrys power is what you need. This is the only thing that you need and not the other too good to be true pills and other diet supplements.

The cost of a good acai berry product is actually quite reasonable when you consider the health benefits and you will be finally able to get off those trail and error unproven diets fads. You still will be able to enjoy your foods and won't have to use a treadmill for hours at an end. By simply sticking with your trusted brand of acai berry you won't be wasting any more money on those other diet pills.

Acai berry can give you more than just a successful weight loss. It may not prohibit you from eating your favorite foods but, it will help you suppress your appetite. So in the end, you may still eat what you want but that is, if you only feel like eating. Acai berry is also a good antioxidant that also lowers the sugar content in your body. Less sugar means less carbohydrates and that also means less fat.

As an added bonus the acai berry is a natural weapon that you can use to fight unhealthy fats. Not only does it enhance your digestive system but it's know to improve your eyesight and to help you in the romance department. Best of all it all comes without any side effects.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Discovering What Cybex Treadmill Is Offering Online

By Chloe Adisson

Apart from the many models that Cybex treadmill is offering in the market, it has other services online as well. Cybex is a manufacturer or brand of high quality treadmills. Just recently, the company re-manufactured the Trotter Elite model and is not retailed at $5000 and up.

This Cybex treadmill model claims to be innovatively designed combining technology with equipment performance. It also claims that it is more user-oriented and is more durable. Aren't all treadmills practically claiming the same thing?

These treadmills are usually designed for serious training and dedicated runners. This is also a good workout tool for recreational walkers.

Some of its offerings are detailed in their online Cybex web pages. Their website accommodates operational and service concerns. It also displays recall alert and certificate declarations.

- Cybex Treadmill Operations Section. In this section of the website, it explains how the Cybex equipment should operate. This page is outlined and written in an FAQ format. It's supposed to answer questions related to motor speed, power supply, console functionality, heart rate monitor, and more.

- Cybex Treadmill Services Page. Generally, this page explains anything that concerns your treadmill maintenance. If you happen to read through, you'll find that the topic revolves mostly around the treadmill belt, lubrication, and other considerable maintenance concerns.

Cybex Recall Alert

This is a special feature in the cybex website. The recall alert is that page in the website that declares the pull out of the Trotter model. The product in question caused injuries to its many users. There are a couple of facts you can find here.

- The recall alert was conducted by the manufacturer alongside the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or CPSC.

- The company declares an ethical gesture saying that their own product is not safe.

Cybex Certificate Declarations

These are certificate declarations of each Cybex treadmill model, are in PDF files, and are made available for public download. This is a good and ensuring way of building trust with their users.

Here are the following certificates that you can download: Cybex 530C and 530R Cycle Declaration, Stepper CE Certification Declaration, Cross Trainer, Cybex Eagle, Cybex VR3, Treadmill CE Certification Declarations, Cybex Trazer Declaration, and the Cybex Total Access Declaration.

Other Features

- The treadmill product from Cybex is generally easy to use and includes PDA programs.

- This is a PC designed program where you can upload or download workout programs directly from the Cybex treadmill website.

- The equipment includes a CD ROM tutorial service.

- It also adds more fun to your Cybex experience. It makes workout designs and program download easier and quicker.

These treadmills are designed for cardio-vascular and weight loss exercise. What make it expensive are the features and other extras that become a highlight most often in sales pitch. Investigate the treadmill of your choice.

The Cybex treadmill is one of the most sought-after treadmills in the market. It's expensive but if you think about it, it's because of the many features that add to its advantages.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Top Six Tips on the Best Way to Lose Weight

By Titania Cole

Some people believe that there is no one single best way to lose weight. However, there are some strategies that come closer to ensuring weight loss compared to others. One of the best ways to effectively shed pounds is to eat. You read that right. There are ways and means to not get fat and still eat what you want.

Meal Planning

It is not really the food that is at fault for your weight. The real problem is how and when you eat your food. Indiscriminate eating can do you in. The solution therefore is to not be liberal with your food choices and schedules. You need to plan your meals everyday to ensure that you dont eat too much of something. You can keep a special food calendar intended only to keep track of what and when you eat.

Calorie Counting

This is as old as the concept of dieting itself. Some people though take calorie counting for granted. If you feel that it is too much of a chore to count calories, you can use any of the free online counters to help you out. Typical counters help you figure out how much you are burning in various activities and how many calories you should be ingesting based on your personal details.

Portion Control

Portion control is important. Eating wont be the best way to lose weight without portion control. This simply means that you can even eat foods with carbohydrates and fat as long as you make sure that you eat within your limits. Aside from dividing food types into appropriate portions, you should also make sure that you eat your portions at the right time. You should never skip breakfast. It is also a good idea to divide your daily meals into five instead of three. This will help ensure that you dont go too hungry in between meals.

Water Rationing

Don't underestimate the benefits of drinking water. This time, dieting experts recommend that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help you lose weight. Water can help ensure proper digestion and plays a role in fat metabolism. Moreover, water can contribute to efficient waste disposal.

Regular Exercise

Eating the right food in the right way is not enough. Eating should always be paired with regular exercise. You may already be able to lose weight through meal planning and portion control. You will however improve your chances of achieving sustainable weight loss if you make exercise a habit too. Add muscle enhancing exercises to your aerobic routine and you will also promote better muscle tone.

Food Diary

Another helpful technique to help you lose weight is to keep a food diary. This is especially if you are still starting out with your program. A diary will not just help you take note of what you put into your body. It can also help motivate you to do better and to stick to your diet plan.

It seems preposterous that eating can be the best way to lose weight? However, the sooner you realize that food is not your enemy, the closer you are to healthy and effective long term weight loss.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cheap Alternatives to Lose Weight The Funny Way

By Garry Wider

I don't know when the concept of weight loss appeared in the course of the history, but I suspect it comes from the time when people started to become sedentary. When part of them forgot about hunting, as they had others doing that for them, they started accumulating pounds. It took probably centuries until they realized that was not the good way to go and started to figure out weight loss methods.

Speaking of fitness, you could consider getting yourself a Wii console and buy a few entertaining games. This is more entertaining than boring diets. Besides, you can do it in a network of friends, if you connect to the internet and practice the exercises together.

Many fat persons consider swimming. This is easier for them to do, because in water we become lighter and we can move better than in air. Aqua gym is a modern way of staying fit without getting bored. You can do it twice a week and see noticeable results on your body weight.

Get motivated to succeed. Why do you want to lose weight? Do you want your friend's appreciation, or maybe you just want to like yourself when looking in a mirror? Everything will go here, but you'd better make yourself a list and keep it at sight.

Health is a stronger reason for losing weight. If doctors tell you you'll die of you keep getting so fat, you'll probably want to live longer and strive to get thinner. You may be surprised at how easy it really is.

Don't assume anything. Do you know what makes swimming different from playing golf? Nothing, it is just that you need to follow your passions in chosing the kind of sports you want to practice. You have to watch your wallet as well. Golf is more expensive that swimming and jogging.

Fitness routines can help us live a healthier life, especially when combined with a natural nutrition style. Moreover, never forget to smile and enjoy every moment of your life. Smiling will make you thinner, you'll see.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

6 Tips To Help You Lose Fat Not Muscle

By Victoria Jamison

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most difficult things to do is eat so you lose fat without shedding muscle. There are a few things you can do to help make this possible.

Keep On Eating

Believe it or not, it's all about increasing the amount of food you're eating, not decreasing it. It's not about taking in more calories, but rather providing your body with the protein it needs at the proper times.

When you go for a long period of time, your body kind of freaks out. The next time you eat, your body will think that meals are going to come few and far between, so it will store whatever it can from that meal as fat.

When you don't eat for more than a few hours, you'll see your blood sugar levels go down quite a bit. This not only affects your mood and concentration, it makes you feel tires. This also causes your body to crave anything that might bring up your blood sugar levels. For me, that tends to be chocolate. Not good.

Eating a giant meal (even a healthy one) will put a huge strain on your body and cause it to rush through the digestion process. When your body isn't running as efficiently, it isn't going to get everything it should out of each meal. This will cause your body to crave more food sooner than you should. I suggest you eat every 2 to 4 hours.

Clean and Lean Food

The best carbohydrates to eat are called complex carbs. These are the carbs that are high in fiber and not processed very much. You'll find them most often in fresh fruits and vegetables. This will give you a clean nutrition food source that won't cause jumps in your insulin levels. Also focus on eating proteins that are low in fat.

Sugar - The New Fat

When you're tying to avoid sugar, you suddenly realize how prevalent it is in our foods. It seems to be put into everything these days. You won't always see it listed as "sugar", but instead as maltose, sucrose or even fructose. You have to really keep an eye out for it.

Water, Water and more Water

Water is one of the most important nutrients that your body needs. With the large amounts of carbonated drinks and other surgery drinks, it's no wonder why our water intake is way below the recommended 8 glasses a day. Water helps your body with elimination and quicker digestion. It also has no calories and can serve as an appetite suppressant and helps the body metabolize stored fat. The over weight person needs more water than the thin one; water helps to maintain proper muscle tone, and helps relieve constipation which is essential to weight loss.

Be Pro Protein

Get plenty of lean protein from chicken, fish, and lean beef every day. It can be hard to eat enough through out the day so you can add peanut butter, and use protein supplements if needed. By adding plenty of protein, you are keeping your body from using its own muscle for energy and allowing you metabolism to burn at a higher rate.

Rotate Your Carb Levels

Carb rotation or cycling is achieved when you drop your intake for a couple of days and then bring it back up for a day or two. This does a number of things. It doesn't allow your body to think it's starving. Just when it starts to think it's not getting enough carbs you inject it with plenty. This also makes staying on your diet a little easier. You can power through a couple of days of very low carbs if you know that's lal it is, a couple of days.

If you have been struggling with weight loss and desire to lose fat fast then look at your carb intake and consider using "carb rotation". Soon, you'll see the results you've been seeking.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Top 3 Fat Burning Tricks to Help You Get Rid of Fat Rapidly!

By Frances Norah Smith

I don't need to tell you how much workouts are crucial for quick weight loss. However, if you don't do the following three things, your workout sessions would just prove to be a waste of time. Let me tell you about the top three things you should do in order to extract the most out of each and every workout session you participate in!

1. Variety is the spice of life: This is true not only of foods but also workouts! If you want to reap the maximum benefit out of exercises, you should do a variety of workouts so as to keep your body guessing! When you do the same old workout each and every day, your body gets accustomed to it and consequently burns fewer calories than before.

Think about it this way: if you eat the same old food time and again your tongue would get used to its taste and then you would no longer be as interested in that food as before! This concept holds true for workouts as well!

So one day you may do some jogging, another day, indulge in swimming, then basketball, cycling, etc. If you are doing intense workouts you should alternate between the various types of intense workouts available!

2. Replace long boring cardios with interval training: The days of long boring cardios are gone. Why would you spend four hours on cardios when you could reap the same benefit within just five minutes?

Interval training is the new craze among weight loss aspirants. You only need to spend five minutes on it in order to lose weight rapidly without any difficulty! Apart from being a huge time saver, another advantage of interval training over cardios is that it helps you burn fat even at rest! Just imagine, won't it be nice if you could burn fat simply by sitting on your couch and watching your favorite movie? If you want that then you need to start doing interval training!

3. Snack before exercising: Who said snacking before exercising is not good? If you snack one-and-a-half hour before starting the workout, you have nothing to worry about! When working out, many people become tired half-way. This won't happen to you if you snack before hitting the gym. The best kind of snack for this purpose is a low-carbohydrate protein bar! You should also drink plenty of water before, during and after exercising! The more hydrated your body is, the easier it will be for you to sustain the intensity of workouts!

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Think Skinny! It's the Best Way To Get Skinny

By Henry John

How would you like to be skinny and stay skinny? How many times have you been on a diet only for the weight to come back again? It's not much fun, is it? So, what's the secret of how to get skinny and stay skinny?

Choosing a diet to go on can be really confusing. Do you go with Atkins or some new fad diet? They all seem to promise the earth, but it's very difficult to choose which one to go on. Choosing a diet is all about where you place your trust. Do you trust a diet to deliver? It's a difficult call.

Diets make it look so easy, don't they? All your weight is just going to disappear and you don't have to do a thing, just put your hand in your pocket and shell out the dollars. Nothing could be more simple. Which one do you trust - because at the end of the day it's all about trust?

Do diets work? It would be wrong to say that you don't lose weight on a diet, but there is a snag. The weight loss that the average diet delivers is short-term weight loss, all right if you want to lose a couple of pounds to get into your summer clothes, but not much good if you want get rid of some serious weight. There's another catch too. The weight you lose will be back! It piles back on again very soon after you stop your diet. It's not much fun!

The only true way to lose weight permanently is to make change. If you don't change the ways that have made you fat, then you will never lose weight . It's that simple.

If you want to make change, the best way is to learn new habits, slim habits. By learning new habits you can change your behavior and achieve permanent weight loss. It's not difficult to do and the rewards for making change are huge. It will enable you to say goodbye to diets forever...what could be better than that?

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

You Can Lose Weight Using Fat Loss 4 Idiots

By Keeley Roberts

Frustrated, fed up and downright miserable. These are comments I hear from people who have failed to lose weight on various diets. Well fat loss 4 idiots is an excellent diet that actually works. You will lose weight and keep it off.

In as little as eleven days due to the system it uses you will notice a real difference. The main principle behind the diet is food is to be loved and not hated and dreaded as something that will make you gain weight. Unlike other diets that have you counting every calorie or eating one type of food fat loss 4 idiots works with your bodies fat burning hormones.

The human body releases two different types of hormones every time it has food. These hormones can be controlled and trained by changing the types of food we have.

Fat loss 4 idiots works by training these hormones into making larger quantities of the fat burning hormone. At the same time the fat storing hormone is reduced. Extremely clever and simple.

You will eat more than 3 meals a day on this diet plan as this will help re-programme the hormones. Just think you will be dieting but feeling full. No more quick fixes or failed diets.

The inventors of fat loss 4 idiots describe food as a switch which activates fat burning. This is where the increased number of meals comes in. This diet will re-train your body and hormones. You do have to follow a pattern but that is so so easy with fat loss 4 idiots. You just put in the foods that you like and the diet generator does the rest. No worry or head scratching or falling off the diet because your too busy to work out what the heck you are supposed to be eating.

Most of my articles and blog posts rant on about how useless quick fix diets and quick diet loss plans are. That is simply because they are. Many diet plans are sold today and the majority are pie in the sky quick fixes. You must eat regularly and include the right foods so your body does not want to keep the fat stores.

Its all about moving those lovely little calories around. The body actually takes a few days before it realises that you have made any change to its calorie intake so if you carefully manipulate them then your body is so confused it will begin to burn fat.

This diet is suitable for anyone although you should always check with a dietician or medical practitioner before embarking on any changes you might wish to make especially if you have other health issues.

One other interesting fact is that once you are over forty and finding it difficult to lose weight you can benefit by eating smaller,more frequent meals. Fat loss 4 idiots is ideal for this.

Take a look at fat loss 4 idiots and you will change your body and health within a short period of time. You will feel and look better.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fat Burning Techniques - See How To Get More Out Of Your Workout

By Heather Hughes

Would you like to know how to triple your results from your resistance training, and get the best fat burning workout? Of course your do!

Optimized resistance training can give you amazing fat loss results (you will be really surprised). It will also give you muscle and strength gains.. beach body here we come! On top of that, when using the techniques described in the Fat Burning Furnace eBook, you will also get heart health benefits as well. The best thing is that this is all from 2 to three workouts each week lasting just 15-20 minutes each.

Now to get the most fat burning out of your workouts, you may need to adjust your technique. Most people don't know how to take advantage of their resistance training like they should. In fact, when you walk into a gym, you will find that over half the people are not doing their workouts correctly, and this is just an estimate.

Let's get right to one of the best ways you can get the best fat burning workout and triple your resistance training results today. It has to do with how you specifically perform the repetitions of your sets. To get a good understanding, let's look at the 3 different levels of strength for any resistance exercise.

As an example, let's look at dumbbell curls, they work your biceps. When you are doing dumbbell curls, you start out with the dumbbells at your sides. Then you move the weight slowly up to your shoulders. What this movement does is train your positive strength level. Then right before you bring the weights back down, you pause for a short amount of time, and contract your biceps. This trains your static strength level.

Next, you bring your arms down slowly to the starting position. This trains your negative strength level.

This is the problem... most people don't even bother with the static of negative strength levels. They put all of their focus on the "lifting" or positive portion of the exercise, and don't pause or contract enough at the top. They also don't take nearly enough time with the negative part of the movement.

Basically because of this they are only getting one third of the benefits that this exercise can give them. And actually, it is not even that much, because the static and negative portions can actually create deeper inroads into your existing strength levels. This is a good thing, and is something that you want to achieve, because it will lead to greater progress faster assuming that you give your body enough time to recover.

Why do you need strength? Well, besides the fact the you will feel better and look better when you are stronger, there are some other benefits as well. Strength leads to more muscle, which in turn is the magic needed to rev up you metabolism, which them helps you to burn fat much faster. There are many other health benefits also, but I would just take up way to much room listing them.

The next thing that you want to learn is exactly how to optimize every piece of your fitness plan to melt the fat off your body, because a lean fit body is the fun part.

So be sure to not neglect the static and negative strength levels when you do your next exercises. When you do you will triple your results.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Warp Speed Fat Loss Review - Fat Loss Program Discovered

By Jim Stevens

Are you wishing for a more attractive, slimmer body? If yes, then you have to buy yourself Warp Speed Fat Loss system now.

In today's time, the Warp Speed Fat Loss system is just one of the many fat/weight loss systems made available in the market. So you might be asking yourself now, so why prefer Warp Speed Fat Loss system than the others? Well, the answer to this is just plain and simple. The system is not a scam, not at all!

The Warp Speed Fat Loss system is proven effective to eliminate unwanted fats or extra weight. It seems like a scam because it promises a lot of things. It promises that the user will lose more than the 2lbs per week, burn fat while sitting around, get lean in less than 1 month and the like. But I tell you, it is not a scam at all. It has the methods, the practices, and the exercises to give you the slimmer body you desire in just a short period of time.


The Warp Speed Fat Loss system is really efficient, allowing you to lose your stubborn fats or unwanted extra weight in no time. Unlike the exercises that some fat or weight loss system promote, exercise of Warp Speed Fat Loss system are short and so not time consuming. You can do them easily without exerting much effort. Exercises are also intense thus ensuring your heart rate remains high throughout your workout session and that the fat burning process will be maximized.


The Warp Speed Fat Loss is not only efficient but also complete. Unlike some other fat or weight loss systems, the system doesn't only extends exercises that are proven effective for burning fats but also extends ideas about having proper diet. The Warp Speed Fat Loss systems promotes both effective exercises for working out and dieting to combat your body's instinct to stop fat loss. The system strongly promotes both as working out is useless without proper diet. This is in adherence to the studies about the best way to lose fats fast is to workout and at the same time to eat the right kind foods that your body will not store up as fats.


The Warp Speed Fat Loss system is also safe to use. Although with the system you will be losing 21lbs in 28 days, too much for too short period of time, you don't need to worry. System will not require you to take pills and supplements, and will just extend 100% natural fat loss method to you.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Yes, You too Can Learn How to Lose Fat Gain Muscle With Ease!

By Allen Brian

There is no doubt that if you gain muscle to your body too fast, you will also get some fat. You have to accept this truth if you want to gain weight and muscle mass. This is a natural phenomenon of muscle building. If you want to get larger muscles, you will have to eat more calories to allow your body to build larger muscles. But it is impossible for all of your additional calories to go for growing your muscle. Fat will be generated because of the rest calories.

It is a good idea to make your total effort to grow muscle in one specific time frame and also do your best to slash your extra fat in another specific time frame, if you want to have a good look shape quickly.

Your metabolic rate is controlled by the level of your muscles, it would be easier for your to rid of fat if you have already build your muscle mass. This is why beginning with a bulking phase is almost always the most efficient route.

In terms of the information, your next step should be: build as much muscle size as possible while minimizing body fat gains. During this first phase, your goal is not to get rid of fat- only to avoid gaining too much of it.

We can accomplish this with the following 3 ways.

Count the exact additional calories you need.

Optimal nutrition is what we heard all the time, but what about "super nutrition". Extra calories are key elements that can grow your muscle bigger, but if you eat too much unnecessary foods that over the needs for making your muscle bigger will lead you to get more fat than you should.

Calculate the calories that you need for maintaining your weight and add 15 to 20% of additional calories to it. That is a good extra calories for your muscle growth. If your extra calories intake falls in this range, then you don't need to make any change.

Be careful your nutrition sources.

Your food intake is very important; you should eat natural fiber carbohydrates, lean meat and healthy, unsaturated fats. Stay away from high amount of saturated fats, eat more lean protein and eat high/natural fiber carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar level stable is key for building your muscle.

Begin cardio exercise.

Cardio workout is less important for build bulk muscle, but it will help you gain less fat. You don't need to go overboard, it is just an additional workout. Just keep cardio workout high strength and short. Don't perform long workouts, 10 to 20 minutes workout are good and can prevent muscle loss.

Once you've built an amount of muscle size that you're satisfied with (and this is totally up to the individual), you can then move into a fat loss cycle and concentrate on dropping off body fat while retaining muscle size. Fat and muscles go along together. You can't avoid that. The best course of action is just to keep the fat gain at a minimum instead of attempting to avoid it altogether.

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