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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Does Milk Really Help You Lose Weight Fast?

By Frances Norah Smith

So you think that milk is good for your body? If yes then you really need to read this article in its entirety. Far too many people believe like you, and I cannot blame anybody for this because dairy farmers are responsible for all these. They claim that milk will help strengthen your bones because of the presence of calcium in it. They also claim that milk will give you such energy boost that you will feel like a superman. Obviously, they want you to believe this way so that they can cash in on your gullibility. However, just as some other myths are doing the rounds of the weight loss industry, this is also a myth.

1. As a matter of fact, the milk you purchase from your local store is not pure milk: it has been processed with the help of pasteurization, meaning that it has been boiled at a temperature of 160 centigrade and then cooled down. Milk is pasteurized in order to kill any and all the germs present in the raw milk. On the flip side, pasteurization not only kills the germs, but also the beneficial nutrients present in it. Enzymes such as lipase and phosphates can be a lot beneficial to your body, but you don't get those enzymes in the pasteurized milk that you purchase from your local shop.

That is not however the end of the story. Pasteurization also kills antibodies such as immunoglobulin that is present in raw milk. Immunoglobulin helps to immune your body against various diseases. As you can see, milk is in no way beneficial for you, at least not the one that comes in sealed packets.

After pasteurization is completed, the milk is homogenized to keep the cream at the bottom. Once this is done, several synthetic vitamins are added to it in order to make it 'nutritious'. However, remember that synthetic vitamins are not and can never be substitutes for natural vitamins. They are man-made chemicals and will do more harm than good to your body.

2. Milk causes weight gain: Contrary to what you might believe, milk will actually make you gain weight rather than lose it. If you are in the habit of drinking milk frequently, it is not surprising that you have become overweight. As you drink more and more milk, you will gain more and more weight.

3. Milk causes a host of other diseases: Besides weight gain, there are a lot of harmful side effects of drinking milk, such as acne, arthritis, skin allergies, cancer, constipation, etc.

I hope this article will make you think twice when drinking milk.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Losing Weight After Pregnancy, How to Do it

By Ricardo d Argence

If you have just had a baby and you need to lose your baby weight there are many ways to do it. There are also myths about the right way to lose your baby weight that you should know about.

A lot of women could not deal with the cravings; this is why they put on so much weight while pregnant. You'll have to practice a lot of things to shed baby weight if you've put on an excessive number of pounds while pregnant. The only weight you are going to lose is the fluids and the baby, when you have a baby. This can be up to 15 to 20 pounds but the rest is up to you.

One of the biggest myths associated with breastfeeding is that you will lose your baby weight faster. The truth about breast feeding is that it works in one way. One of the main benefits of breastfeeding is the colostrum the body produces for the first ten days after childbirth. After that, the milk is just milk.

The nutrients and vitamins that you consume is expressed in breast milk to your child. The baby will not be getting healthy milk, in case if you are not a healthy eater. Breast feeding will result in you being hungrier as your body will need more food to supply the breast milk to the child, resulting in you not losing weight faster.

Packaged milk will be alright for the baby after the first ten days of breast feeding since it has all the vitamins and minerals that the baby needs. It is rare a mother's breast milk is that healthy.

Losing weight after having a baby is no different from losing weight any other time. You need to eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet is required to lose the weight in an effective manner and without difficulty. To regain your strength, it's important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty foods, sweets and sugars. During pregnancy, in order to replenish the loss of fluids from body, you should drink a lot of water regularly.

After a pregnancy the body is working to get back to normal. Your hormones will be all out of whack and you may be extremely emotional. It is the best time to lose your baby weight. The next six weeks is the most important and the best time to lose the weight quickly.

Walking is good for you and it was when you were pregnant but you need to take the exercising a step up and begin aerobic exercises. This will allow you to work up a sweat and begin working off the weight.

The best thing that you can do is aerobic exercise and run. Running is the one exercise that will help you lose the baby weight quickly and restore your body back to normal. Also, exercise works well to help your hormones remain normal and not send you into a depression. That is because getting plenty of exercise stimulates the hormones in your brain that make you happy.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pros and Cons of Menopausal Weight Loss Products

By Ricardo d Argence

One of the many unpleasant side-effects of menopause is weight gain during this period in a woman's life. This weight increase is not expected and may occur even in women who have not changed their diet or slowed activity.

As you might imagine, there are a lot of weight loss products aimed at menopausal women. But are these products really worth it? Let's take a look into a variety of products and their strengths and weaknesses, the mechanism for weight gain during menopause, as well as risks related to overweight in the menopause.

There are number of reasons for weight gain during menopause. One is slowed and inefficient digestion that is a consequence of getting older. This keeps food in the digestive tract longer, ensuring that you absorb more nutrients, including fat and calories, from your food.

Menopause causes hormonal changes including lower estrogen levels, which can lead to weight gain. This is because estrogen and fat production are linked, fat cells help regulate estrogen production. When estrogen levels go down during menopause, a woman's body might attempt to retain as much fat as it is able in order to deal with this decrease in the amount of estrogen. Hormones and the fat of the body to work together, a complex feedback loop, affecting appetite, metabolism and fat storage.

The risks of weight gain are amplified for menopausal women. More weight at any position of life risks, such as the increase in high-risk high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast and reproductive system cancers, diabetes and heart disease. As estrogen is a proactive reason against the cardiovascular disease, the chances of suffering from heart disease enhances when the estrogen level goes down, even if the women going through menopause phase don't gain extra weight. The risks of these health problems are compounded, for women who are overweight after menopause.

So, should you contrivance menopausal weight loss deficit produces to save emphasizing avail in menopause? Let's take a look into a few of these products:

Estrin-D: A number of metabolism-increasing stimulants,this product contains. These are xanthine (caffeine) derived formulations like yerba matte, caffeine, and guarana, along with some other innocuous herbal ingredients. This product does increase the metabloic rate, which makes it fall under the category of a stimulant. There are risks associated with stimulants. Tachycardia, high blood pressure, feeling of 'edginess' and excessive perspiration are caused due to high levels of caffeine and other stimulants in this formula. Caffeine is also thought to contribute to hot flashes during menopause. Taking these points into consideration, you will find that Edstrin-D is not a perfect weight loss choice.

Zalestra: Zalestra includes a far safer array of herbal ingredients that are designed to create a more gentle increase in metabolism, while treating some of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. This product does not have the negative health risks of caffeine-containing products.

Estrolean: The product has a minimal quantity of thermogenic components such as aspirin and caffeine. It is claimed that the natural estrogen present in this product regulates hormone fluctuations that sometimes go along with increases in weight with menopausal women.

They will not cause you to lose weight without eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, while some of these preparations may have benefit in reducing menopausal symptoms. At worst they can have dangerous and unpleasant side effects,and at best, they might help a little with weight loss.

Eating healthy during menapause will help you from putting on the pounds. A wholesome diet includes vegetables, fruits, lean proteins in addition to rich nutrients that include vitamin D, calcium and omega-3 fats. It is the best way to lose weight during menopause.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Losing Weight for Your Wedding, Do's and Dont's

By Ricardo d Argence

A wedding is the happiest day of many people's lives and they are joyful through every minute of it. Perfecting every detail and obsessing about how they will fit into their clothes can cause a great deal of stress.

Weddings are a great time to look your best, and no doubt most people want to be able to fit into that dress before their big day. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy on your wedding day, and in fact, getting healthy can actually take away some of the stress that you have. However, there are some donts when it comes to wedding weight loss, along with the do's.

Be realistic in your weightloss goals - try to lose too much, and you'll only succeed in getting stressed out before your wedding. Set realistic goals for your diet, don't try to lose more weight than is healthy in the time you have available. Discuss your weight with your doctor and tell him or her what weight you would like to be, as well as the date of your upcoming wedding. Setting a reasonable goal with the help of your doctor, you can reach it.

Don't starve yourself in the weeks leading up to the wedding in order to lose those last few pounds. You are already going to be stressed out enough, so not eating is going to make it even worse. You'll be crabby and worse, you'll be unhealthy. This will open up your body to the possibility of getting sick, and chances are good that it will happen right as you are about to take those vows.

Keep your emotions away from your eating, that means don't eat too much or too little. Eat well rounded, healthy meals, and burn off your excess energy exercising instead of worrying about food.

Working out is the best way to lose weight for your marriage day. You probably already have all of that nervous energy, so put it to good use and keep moving. You'll get in better shape and you'll also be doing something productive for the wedding as well,working out with your spouse to be can be a great way for you to keep doing things together, and if you do something like ballroom dancing lessons.

When dealing with food, find a good healthy balance. Eating healthy is an excellent concept, but it doesn't exclude tasting your wedding cake. Enjoy those snacks at your bridal parties, and have those drinks with your girlfriends as you do your last night out. The most important thing about your wedding day is that you are both happy and healthy.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best Way to Lose Weight: Six Tips to Help You Out

By Titania Cole

You will probably have a hard time looking for the best way to lose weight. Not everyone agrees that there is one. There are however, a couple of strategies that can get you to the path of weight loss faster. Surprisingly, the best method has something to do with eating.

Plan Your Meals

Unknown to most people, food is not the main reason why you are putting on weight. The truth is that it may be your eating habits that may be the real culprits. The key is not to stop eating but to control what and when you eat. A good meal plan can be your best defense against weight gain. Your plan should be able to limit your intake of foods that can increase your weight when eaten in large amounts. To make planning easier, you can use a food calendar that you can display on your kitchen wall.

Counting Calories

Counting your daily calorie intake is a technique that has been around for a very long time. Not everyone however has been taking advantage of this valuable tip. This is perhaps because calorie counting can take some effort. Fortunately though, there are ways to make your counting easier. There are a couple of free internet-based counters that can do the work for you. These help you find out how much you should be eating of certain foods and how much youll be burning through various activities.

Limit Meal Portions

Make portion control a habit. This strategy is quite simple. You simply have to take note of your recommended daily allowance of certain nutrients and food types. Once you know what they are, you just have to set portion limits on certain foods. This means, you dont have to stop yourself from eating anything including fats and carbohydrates. You can eat these in the appropriate portions.

Drinking Water

It would do you well to listen to all that advice about drinking water. In a way, it is a true wonder fluid. Aside from helping you wash out waste and digest food, water can also help your body keep hydrated and burn fat. In other words, water has a role to play in weight loss. While it is never good to drink too much water, it is always a good practice to drink at least eight glasses a day.

Scheduled Exercise

Of course, there is good ol' exercise. Exercise is another crucial weight loss solution. While you can eat nearly anything within limits and still lose weight, you can ensure even more weight loss by exercising. Keep a regular weekly schedule and get into both aerobic and muscle exercise for optimum weight loss.

Food Journal

A lot of people underestimate the advantages of keeping a food journal. This is a simple but effective way of spotting food items that shouldn't be in your meal plan. Moreover, a food journal can also function as a repository for inspirational blurbs for you to reread when you need a confidence boost.

So what is really the best way to lose weight? Eating in the right way is really the best way to lose weight. With the right strategies, you never have to keep away from food.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat

By Dominic

It's rare that anyone's been tempted into a relationship by a fat pot belly. Nor has anyone extended their life with a big tummy. That belly fat doesn't enhance the fit of your clothes. With all the tempting fast foods and a busy life, what are you to do? If you want to lose belly fat, you can. With a careful belly fat diet and consistent moderate exercise, you can lose belly fat, and keep it off!

One of the most common mistake people make when trying to lose belly fat or lose love handles fast is thinking that starving themselves will work. If you don't eat but exercise strenuously, you'll find yourself drained, hungry and still not losing weight. Another common belief is to eat very little but fail to exercise. This approach won't lose that belly fat either.

The body doesn't operate that way. With inadequate food, your metabolism slows to compensate for the lack of food. So fat will be burned, but much less than with a combination of diet and exercise.

The secret to losing that fat is to reduce food portions, and get daily exercise. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's nutritious and portions are smaller. Smaller portions allow you all the tastes you already enjoy, but because you're eating less, your body will be a fat burning machine without the awful side effects and dangers of starvation.

If you're going to consume 1500 calories per day, then a half-hour of belly exercise will be enough to slowly burn weight. If you want to ramp it up, then increase the amount of exercise as you see fit (pun intended). But half an hour of belly exercises are usually hard enough for a person to do.

Why is this? Why does it seem much harder to lose belly fat than anywhere else on your body? It's not that you aren't burning fat, it's just that the stomach naturally has more padding. Also, when people try to lose belly fat, they usually aren't making the most of their exercise program. They stop between situps, which slows down the fat burning process. Instead, when you exercise, go all the way through the routine, stopping only when absolutely necessary. Another very effective technique to lose belly fat is to do twists. Standing with your legs apart, twist the upper half of your body from side to side, with arms stretched out to the sides. Toe-touches are also a good exercise. These all provide for a smaller waist and flatter stomach.

When you start your diet and exercise program, remember not to slack off. Missing just one day will lead to missing "just" two days, and soon you're eating burger after burger while breaking that couch in a little more. After you lose your fat, don't stop your exercise program. Now you're fit, so keep yourself that way!

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

How Can I Lose Weight Without Failure?

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Millions of people are trying to lose weight without much success and most would rather give up than fix their mistakes. If you are one of them, certainly you are not alone.

Even you have the best weight loss plan, but without a little patience and knowledge about nutrition and exercise, weight loss will be very hard! Avoiding to make mistakes in your own life, learning the top reasons why weight loss plans fails becomes so important.

Proper diet plan works like a charm, it helps you cutting back your calories gradually and you will burn more than you eat. Many people are following very strict diet plan, you might get instant result, but if it is too hard to follow you will lose your confidence at the end.

Cutting calories too much too fast will put yourself at danger, because you are not getting enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients you need every single day in order to stay healthy. And also it will slow your metabolism down, so you won't lose any weight at all.

Another common mistake people likely to make is trying to do weight loss alone. Regarding weight loss, from dieting to exercising, finding yourself a good partner will be a hundred times easier.

A support system on a large scale is very important too. Let your friends and family know that you are attempting to lose weight so that they can help you on the process and not tempt you by doing things like baking you cookies or taking up your gym time.

The professional weight loss plan will help you shed the pounds persistently. So don't be afraid to get some help from professionals, like doctors and trainers.

Another good way to fail at a weight loss plan is setting unrealistic goals. Setting the goals that you can't easily reach, but can push yourself to move forward, even if you fall short and will feel successful.

Smart out with smaller ideas, gradually build up to reaching the goals you really want for your life. Don't weigh in every day, don't completely cut out all of the foods you eat on a regular basis, and don't exercise to much right away. Or you will easily feel frustrated when you set impossible goals.

Lastly, you'd better to know about yourself. Maybe you have wide hips that a weight lose plan won't completely change that, for example. Don't attempt to be something you are not and be happy with yourself on the inside before you change things on the outside in order to succeed at losing weight.

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2 Essential Food Repairs for Fast Weight Loss!

By Frances Norah Smith

You may be wondering: "what are food repairs for?" Well, as a matter of fact, most of the diet plans out there have certain common loopholes, and these food repairs are a way to fix those loopholes. These loopholes, if not fixed, would keep you from losing weight; worse, they might actually increase your body weight!

Many of the fad diet plans out there are either incomplete or broken. If we follow these diets "as is", then we are sure to go in the wrong direction. For example, most diets would advice you to cut down heavily on your food intake. When you do that, you gain weight instead of losing it! Plus you suffer from malnutrition and lack of energy! Studies have pointed out that women who eat 400 calories less than their stipulated calorie requirements tend to suffer from abdominal obesity; in simple words, they acquire fat bellies!

These food repairs will help you achieve your weight loss goals quicker than otherwise!

1. Focus on protein rather than carbs: While carbs are an important ingredient of any healthy meal plan, what you should focus on is protein, especially when you are trying to lose weight. Unlike carbs which give you short, sudden bursts of energy that last only for a short while, protein will keep you energetic for a longer time. With carbs, your body will receive more fat than energy; with protein, it is just the opposite.

Protein also will aid in building strong lean muscle mass. Since lean muscles need a lot of energy to be maintained, your body has to burn your existing fat deposits in order to generate the extra energy. So that is another method how protein can aid weight loss!

2. Breakfast skipping is not the way to go: Breakfast skipping is something most of the obese people do; they tend to think that they will lose weight if they don't eat breakfast. Wrong! Actually, the opposite happens. When you don't eat breakfast, you are sending a signal to your body that there is a famine out there, and that to combat it, your body needs to store energy in the form of fat deposits.

When you starve, your body slows down your metabolism and stores fat instead of burning it! As you can see, skipping breakfast will have a negative effect on your body.

Breakfast is ideally there for one reason: to "break the fast"; that is, to offer your body with the first surge of energy. When your body gets enough food, it produces lots of energy and your metabolic rate is automatically increased. When that happens, you start losing weight!

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lose Weight Fast With Lipo Disolve

By Charles Donovan

With the United States being one of the most over weight countries in the world there is a really strong growing popularity for things that can help the body lose weight fast. The subject we would like to discuss is called Lipo Disolve and it is a very new treatment that has a unique way of dissolving the fat away from your body.

It is important to look at alternatives to lipo disolve in order to establish the relative positive and negative aspects of the procedure. The first alternatives that come to people's heads are usually, liposuction, exercise, eating healthy and diet pills. Some of these are more popular than others, and some require a greater amount of dedication than others.

Many weight loss options can and should be combined to achieve maximum results. A person could combine exercise, diet and even diet pills to obtain their weight loss goals. However, it is difficult to determine how long the process will take. It depends on several factors including the person's ability to stick to their plan, their current situation, and how much weight they want to lose.

The hardest way to lose weight is probably through diet and exercise. The easiest - read quickest - way to lose weight is most likely through liposuction. However, liposuction involves surgery with all the potential complications and risks that that entails. Whereas diet and exercise may take over a year to really achieve the desired results. Lipo disolve has become so popular in part because it combines the hard and the easy way. A person undergoing lipo disolve must still eat a healthy diet and exercise to achieve and maintain maximum results - however results will be apparent much sooner than through diet and exercise alone without the risks of surgery.

Another factor that makes lipo disolve so attractive is its cost relative to liposuction. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact figure as variables such as the number of treatments required, the amount of fat, the area being targeted, and the location in which you have the procedure preformed come into play however, lipo disolve typically costs between $300-$2500. On the other hand liposuction costs around $10,000.

There is one question that must be answered concerning lipo disolve though and that it, "Are there any major health risks or side effects associated with the procedure". So far no major side effects have been reported. Lipo disolve has been practiced for approximately 10 years so long term side effects may still present themselves.

Lipo disolve may be the answer to your prayers if you are looking for a good weight loss option. However it is essential to discuss all options with your doctor before undergoing any procedure, but this information should get you well on your way.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eating Right And Exercising For A Healthier Future

By Bradley J. Teele

If you're not getting results from a new diet or workout program, there may be other ways for you to maintain a healthy weight. Getting fit and healthy doesn't require expensive nutritional supplements or deprivation diets, and experts say you'll need a healthy plan for long-term health and fitness so you don't gain weight as you age.

The writers of Prevention Magazine's book 'No-Fail Fitness Tips' offered several ways in reversing the effects of aging specifically with decelerating metabolism and excessive weight gain. Here are some of the ways to stay fit and avoid extra pounds for all ages and regardless of the fitness level you belong:

Walk more often. One of the simplest and most efficient ways to burn calories suited for all ages and fitness levels is 'walking'. It's both cost-effective and manageable since you don't have set about formal walking program to drive positive results. You can do so by taking the stairs instead of the elevators. You can park your car farther away from your office or destination, and do more errands on foot instead of driving. Walking keeps healthy all your core muscle groups and speeds up circulation.

Choose snacks that are high in protein. Having a small portion of meals each day and taking some protein-rich snacks will help the body's metabolism function optimally. Aside from that, snacks that are rich in protein like mozzarella cheese sticks and low-fat yogurt are effective in controlling one's appetite. This can eventually keep your appetence in check and excessive eating naturally becomes less intense.

Exercise daily at the same time. Every day, it is necessary to allot about 30 - 45 minutes in your exercise for you to reduce unwanted body fats effectively. Exercising as a regular routine facilitates sticking with any kind of fitness regiment. In fact, if you really intend to increase your metabolism, do this for the long-term.

Change your negative eating habits. Exposure to unhealthy eating habits can be an impediment in managing a healthy lifestyle. However, if you change your attitude and outlook on the food that you eat little by little, you are helping yourself more. Rather than getting rid of certain types of food, commit to eating smaller amount of food to keep up with your daily calorie limit and avoid deprivation in the process.

Sleep well. A person who deprives himself of sleep may tend to have unusually fierce appetite the next day, which weakens his body's metabolism. Approximately seven to eight hours of sleep is needed daily to be healthy and naturally fend off hunger.

Making small changes to your lifestyle consistently will help you reach your health and fitness goals and reduce the chances of gaining weight as you age. Start shifting towards a healthier lifestyle by incorporating any of the above strategies into your weekly schedule and you'll be well on your way to weight loss success and a healthy outlook about food.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Dash Diet Facts - Fad Diet Or Real Deal

By Cathy M

You may not have heard of the DASH diet, formed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to help control hypertension. In fact, DASH is short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. In general the Dash diet meal plans limit sodium intake and encourages people to consume nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry, as well as fruits and vegetables. It discourages eating red meat, sweets, and sugar. Read on for more information about the DASH diet.

Many studies contributed to the creation of the DASH diet meal plan. The diet not only describes nutritious foods, it lists better alternatives for junk foods. Coming up with decent junk food alternatives aids people stick to the diet long term. The diet also emphasizes fresh as opposed to processed foods fresh foods often taste better.

The DASH diet comes complete with a published guide book. This guide shows the nutrition facts of many foods and shows their beneficial alternatives. It also explains in details the meal plans of the DASH diet along with dietary information for those plans. The complete guide also details resources such as organizations that can help individuals start and maintain the diet.

Yahoo maintains a complete page devoted to the DASH diet. The information page links to a lot of information including videos, testimonials, and in depth explanations.

Processed foods contain of the sodium found in the common diet, so the DASH diet discourages them. Because sodium causes hypertension, removing it from the diet will lessen the risks.

Many folks think the DASH diet is a fad diet, but it isn't. It was created after painstaking research, and many health experts believe in it totally. Not only is it a great diet for people who have high blood pressure, but it's a great diet for any person who wants to eat healthy. If you start off on the DASH diet meal plans in the future you will likely never have to deal with hypertension or high blood pressure issues.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quick Fat Loss and Conditioning Through Rowing Exercise

By Caleb Lee

If you aim to count the calories and lose fat in no time while improving your anaerobic, aerobics and whole staying power but then you're sick to the back teeth of running the whole time therefore you're going to have a thing about this article in relation to rowing.

Yesterday I did one more of my rowing exercises on the rowing machine at the fitness center and boy did it kick my ass " ONCE MORE! This article will train you all about rowing for exercise, why you have to do it, and the highly effective way to perform rowing to burn fat automatically

What Is Rowing All About?

Rowing is a physical exercise where you get on a machine with a handle affixed to a cable of some type and you put your feet in loops. You later row by pulling the cable backwards towards your chest as you shove with through your heels (resembling squat movement). The seat you sit on moves rearwards in that case you can push yourself away.

Why Do You Need To Row?

When most people think of cardio training they only think of running. Running is enjoyable and that, but I get bored of it after a short while. I certainly cant stand long slow steady state cardio besides, and any time I run I do execute sprint interval training.

But rowing is a great exercise because it is more upper body dominant, and will give you a break from traditional cardio exercises like running, bicycling, etc.

Its one of the few cardio exercises too that reaches all the main muscle groups, counting quads, biceps, triceps, lats, glutes and abs.

Its excellent for your cardiovascular training, and you can execute interval training on it without problems since you can adjust both the resistance level of the row, and you can change your speed effortlessly (like on a bicycle).

How Should You Row For Maximum Fat Loss?

Here's the exercises I did yesterday and the one you must check out if you're in good shape and want to burn down some body fat off in no time. It only takes FIVE to SIX minutes, but I guarantee you you'll know you had a fantastic workout!

Here's how to do it:

* Row at a steady pace for 1-2 minutes to warm up

* Work Interval: At the minute mark Row as intense and quickly as you can for 20 seconds

* Rest Interval: Row at your warm up time for 10 seconds

* Do again your work/rest interval 8 more times

* You're through!

Now's the time to be on your feet, tell your heart its NOT going to break through your chest and if push comes to shove, you may want to throw up. By round 6, 7 and 8 you're going to REALLY be short of breath and think you cant continue (this is if you're really rowing as powerful and promptly as you can during your work intervals)

Yet carry on " you wont be going that fast in your last couple rounds but the important part is Greatness of effort in other words you are ATTEMPTING to row as promptly and as powerful as you can (although you can only deal with a moderate speed).

Whats So Great About This Workout?

This is the renowned tabata system. Researchers realized that folks who enjoyed the routine five days a week for six weeks enhanced their highest aerobic capacity by 14% AND ALSO, they also developed anaerobic capacity by 28%.

Whats more, scientists noticed the people following the tabata protocol burned 9 TIMES MORE FAT than a group that exercised for an hour a day (doing steady-state aerobics). And your metabolism stays revved up and burns more fat for up to 48 hours after the Tabata protocol.

When Do You Need To Perform This Exercises?

Give it a go on your rest days. You can substitute a cardio workout of sprints and a cardio workout in this manner with rowing to keep your body from adapting and for variety in your cardio routines. If youre going along with the DoubleYourGains 3-5 program you'll have 2-3 rest days for every week. You could do this rowing routine on one rest day and a different cardio routine on the other to keep it new or just do this routine on both days, its your preference.

You'll get a better feel for how frequently you can do this routine and still restore your health once you've done it a few times. So get out there and try it now!

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Infos - How to Find a Local Weight Loss Center

By Gregor Mahrer

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, have you ever though about joining a weight loss center? A weight loss center membership is a nice way to help you achieve your goal of losing weight. If you have never been a member of a weight loss center before, you may be wondering how you can go about finding a weight loss center to join.

Before examining how you can go about finding a weight loss center to join, it is first important to know what weight loss centers are. When examining weight loss centers, you will find that weight loss centers come in a number of different formats. Most commonly, weight loss centers are used to describe local weight loss programs, where you attend group meetings at the "center." There are some weight loss centers that have weekly or biweekly meetings, like for weigh-ins. There are also weight loss centers where your membership fees give you access to onsite exercise equipment or the ability to attend an aerobics class.

Now that you know exactly what weight loss centers are, you are better prepared to go about finding one to join. One of the many ways that you can go about finding a weight loss center to become a member at is by using your local phone book. When using your local phone book, you will want to checkout the business directory section, which is also commonly referred to as the yellow pages. You may be healthy to find the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of local weight loss centers by looking under the headings of "weight loss," or "health and fitness."

In further to regulating your internal phone book, we can additionally make use of an internet to assistance we find an internal weight detriment core to join. When regulating an internet, we can make use of online commercial operation directories or online phone books. These online resources have been nice, though they have been identical to what we would find in your internal phone book. Mostly times, we usually get a name, address, as good as write series of a weight detriment centre. If we were to make use of an online commercial operation directory, we might additionally get a residence to an online website, if a weight detriment core in subject has one.

In keeping with using the internet to help you find a local weight loss center, you can also use standard internet searches to your advantage. When performing a standard internet search, you may want to search with phrases like "weight loss centers," or "weight loss programs." This generalized search may return results for nationally operated weight loss centers. If you are looking for a local center, you may want to incorporate your city or your state into your standard internet search as well.

Another great way that you can go about finding a local weight loss center to join is by asking those that you know for recommendations. This includes your friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors, or your doctors. Whether the individual in question was or still is a member of the weight loss center in question or they know someone who was, you may be healthy to get a lot information by speaking to those that you know. It is also nice, as you often don't just get the name, address, or telephone number of a local weight loss center; you also should get individualized recommendations and constructive criticism as well.

The above mentioned approaches are just a few of the many ways that you can go about finding local weight loss centers to join. Although it is nice to hear recommendations from those that you know or use the internet to help you familiarize yourself with all of your options, it is important that you take the time to find the perfect weight loss center for you and needs. This should involve examining the membership features that you have access to, the cost of becoming a member, and so forth.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Malibu Pilates - Is It Any Good?

By Carol J Pearson

The design of the Malibu Pilates Chair was inspired by Carol Krieff's work with Jopseph Pilates and his Wunda Chair. She wanted to design a piece of equipment that would give many of the benefits of the original design. She started teaching her new method to her clients most of who were celebrities. Noticing how much quicker they progressed using the chair she decided to design a piece Pilates chair that didn't cost thousands of dollars and would be within the reach of an average home user. She knew it would have to be lighter, cost less than $200, be easy to set up and very simple to use even for novice clients.

It is a portable chair like machine that is affordable and allows you to do exercises in your own home. You can workout your whole body using this chair. This allows you to work on getting slim with a combination of cardio moves that are simple to do and its spring resistance that you can adjust. It looks similar to the step stool you may use in your kitchen. The split pedals help you work on your legs and arms together or one at a time. And they are easily adjustable too.

The Malibu Pilates chair focuses on your core in a similar way to standard Pilates Matwork exercises. The major difference is that it can give you a better cardio and strength training workout than matwork alone. These workouts are designed to speed up your metabolism by helping you to build more muscle. This muscle will then burn more fat! It concentrates on the large muscle groups thighs, buns and arms. Working out on the Malibu Pilates chair will make you stronger, you'll look and feel better and your core stability will increase making you less likely to injure yourself.

Malibu Pilates has become popular for a very good reason. It works! I believe it's a great piece of home exercise equipment it's very sturdy and doesn't take up much space. Combining in one workout the best cardio and strength training moves means you can spend less time working out whilst still getting the same benefits of a much longer training session. At under $200 it is fantastic value coming with a range of DVDs to show you how to use it. My only hesitation in recommending it is the price which may take it out of some peoples grasp.

Remember wishing you could lose weight just isn't going to help you at all. You need to take action if you are going to get the body you truly desire. The fat will not just melt off you because you're thinking about exercising. It comes off because you actually do the exercise. So don't wait any longer join the thousands like you who've already committed themselves and try The Malibu Pilates Chair and get that thinner you.

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Fructose Diet - Is it Sweet or Sour?

By Deen Dragonovich

The fructose diet, also known as the Shangri-la diet was invented by University of California at Berkeley professor Seth Roberts, Ph.D. He reportedly used the fructose diet on himself over a 12 year period and kept data of his progress.

Roberts believes in the Set Point theory, in which each person has a control system built into their bodies that dictates how much fat he or she should carry. He explains that "your set point is the weight your body is aiming you toward." When your weight is less than your set point your feel hungry. When it's about the same you feel comfortable. When your weight is over your set point you feel full.

He states that "our set point is determined by the flavors that we eat." And after much experimentation, Roberts allegedly found a way to trick the set point. The solution he says is to drink unflavored sugar water between meals or unflavored flavorless oils between meals, more specifically granulated fructose and unflavored canola or extra light olive oil.

The fructose diet or Shangri-la diet calls for drinking 2-5 tablespoons of extra-light olive oil or the calorie equivalent in unflavored sugar water (fructose) each day 1 hour before eating. Drinking it before eating supposedly reduces your appetite and therefore you will eat less.

According to Roberts, these two compounds give you calories without flavor and your brain doesn't get the signals to raise your set point. Roberts also claims that his fructose diet stops you from thinking about junk food or react very strongly when you see your favorite foods. Food basically stops being attractive to you and ultimately you'll eat less. According to him, the fructose diet has helped him lose 40 lbs. and kept it off.

Many doctors and scientists are skeptical of this fructose diet. They claim there are no scientific studies to back any of Roberts' claims and many believe the diet to be dangerous. However, his book The Shangri-La Diet is filled with testimonials from people touting the diets effectiveness.

The controversy around the fructose diet centers around fructose itself. There have been numerous studies that show fructose may in fact be a leading cause of obesity in America. In fact, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that the increased use of fructose actually preceded the obesity epidemic.

Dr. Roberts' Shangri-la diet may very well work, but given the overwhelming evidence of the negative effects of fructose, it may be wise to avoid using granulated fructose.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Lipodisolve The Latest Phenomenon

By Charles Donovan

The surgical procedure, liposuction, is familiar to many people across the globe. Liposuction removes excess fat from the body and has become very popular over the last several years. However, research into new and innovative alternatives to cosmetic surgery have been pioneered in recent years. Some of these procedures, such as lipodisolve, may have benefits that aren't even found in the more traditional procedures.

Lipodisolve and liposuction both are performed in order to get rid of unwanted fat in specific areas of the patient's body. However, lipodisolve, unlike liposuction is not a surgical procedure. No incisions are made and anesthetic is often unnecessary. Because of the noninvasive technique used for lipodisolve, recovery time is usually minimal.

In considering whether or not to choose lipodisolve or liposuction, one might want to consider the fact that lipodisolve is not approved yet by the FDA. However, this does not mean that the procedure is prohibited by the FDA. If it were prohibited no one would be allowed to practice it. What this does mean is that lipodisolve is still a new procedure and the FDA has not made up its mind about it yet. Again, I want to stress that this does not make the procedure unsafe by any means-it only signifies that the FDA hasn't approved it yet. Yes, liposuction is FDA-approved, but it has also been around a lot longer than lipodisolve, so it has had time to go through the rigorous and lengthy process for approval.

Another good aspect of both surgeries to understand is how the procedures differ. First, with liposuction, a doctor will remove the unwanted and/or excess fat via a tube that is inserted directly into the areas of fat the patient would like removed. This is done via a small cut on the skin. In many ways, you can look at the tube as a vacuum sucking out the fat (hence the name, liposuction). Lipodisolve, on the other hand is a procedure that requires no incisions. Because there are no incisions made, you may have less risk of infection, which many people consider a large benefit.

Instead of incisions, lipodisolve is a mixture of different chemicals which are injected directly into the areas of fat being treated, whether that be your arm, inner thighs, or stomach. This amazing concoction makes the solid fat turn into a liquid fat. This liquid fat can then be removed from your body . Many people consider this procedure much less invasive and much less painful than liposuction, and choose lipodisolve for those reasons.

Last, you obviously need to consider which procedure is the most effective. It doesn't matter if you don't have to have cuts and tubes if the procedure doesn't remove the fat effectively. While both liposuction and lipodisolve can provide amazing results, there is one general rule of thumb that most people follow: if you want to remove very large areas of fat, liposuction may be a better option. If you want to concentrate on smaller areas, than lipodisolve may be the right procedure for you. Speak with your doctor and with past patients to find out which one would be best for you.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast - Energy System Work

By Jose Loni

Losing belly fat fast through exercise is the most effective way to get ripped abs. Utilizing exercises that cause oxygen deficiency can be achieved by having a regular scheduled exercise program, increasing exercise intensity and using interval training.

Anaerobically the body is functioning with lower amounts of oxygen, when this occurs there is an increase of carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles. The muscles are then forced to increase its metabolism to clear away lactic acid and carbon dioxide and prepare the muscles for the next bout of exercise.

The first thing to consider when wanting fast results is having a regular routine of exercise. By keeping to a regular consistent exercise routine, we will allow our body to always be trained and challenged to use its fat burning processes. The increased activity allows the body to increase its muscle activity and keep burning fat to fuel its physical activity.

With increased metabolism, the body is better able to sustain its fat burning and providing oxygen to the muscles, which can take up to many hours after the exercise session. The result being, the body becomes more proficient at burning excess fat for a prolonged period.

Higher intensity during exercise increases the activity in the muscles causing an anaerobic situation in the muscles. The heart rate target zone is a way to monitor exercise intensity and help increase the body's overall metabolism.

Training with interval sets has proven to be very effective in affecting the metabolism of the body. The quick intermittent activity and the following rest period causes the muscles to really increase its metabolic activity to remove the waste products and repair and nourish the muscles of the body.

The body's system will get kick started by increasing its overall fat burning efficiency and provide the body with the necessary energy to fuel physical activity.

Through energy system work, we are better able to lose belly fat fast. The anaerobic training which is composed of a regular exercise schedule of activities that are higher intensity and incorporate interval training, have the fastest results in losing belly fat.

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