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Dieters Slim May Be A Little Misleading

Though it is what they want to do Slimming should not be so hard yet there are literally thousands if not millions that could do with shedding a few pounds of unwanted fat. This is personal to me as I have gained and lost many pounds over the years with the help of diets, tonics, programs and even the dreaded exercises.

What does a dieter need to slim?

The most important thing I found I needed to lose weight was a mental picture of what I wanted to look like. This I constantly kept in my mind all the time. It was never exact just really a thought I would think like; " I am trim or I am light or even I look great and thin". Then I had to choose a diet. The truth is there are many many diets that would help anyone slim out there. We all know just by being slimmer it has a great anti aging effect on us. You just need to investigate them to see if they fit into your life and plans and will actually work for you specifically.

What types of diets have worked for you. Please share diets that managed to get you slim so others might find them and benefit.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Useful Tips On Flat Stomach

By Don Pedro

After the face itself, a flat stomach can be the first thing that may change a person's outlook. And the number won't be few who want to shed off some fats from their belly. People all over the world to lose stomach fat have practiced so many methods throughout centuries. But none of these methods will really work with the real commitment of the person himself and a nice and planned approach.

Exercise is the first thing hat comes to mind when losing body weight is concerned. Crunch is one of the most practiced exercises in this case. It involves stretching of abdominal muscles and its easy to afford. Pilate is another popular work out which may be practiced regularly to have a flat stomach. This exercise involves most of the parts of the body, thus you can count it to be another wholesome exercise after walking and swimming. This also benefits berthing.

Crouch is one form of workout which offers movement to abdominal muscles. On the other hand Pilate is more complete as an exercise where almost all of the body gets involved. Both forms of exercises are easy to afford.

To make exercise enjoyable and rhythmical, some people rely on music. This can also motivate someone and make the work out session real fun.

However, Pilate is another for of physical exercise, which involves almost every art of the body. So it's beneficial for the whole body, like walking and swimming.

But these are only the half of the whole scenario. The rest depends on the food habit one may have. Generally its believed that taking lees food is all about controlling diet. But this is just a false belief. A controlled diet will not starve people during most of the day. Rather maintaining the right blood sugar level is important which can be achieved by taking food at an interval of 4 hours. But the amount should be restricted and a proper diet chart should be maintained.

Some People prefer listening to music or do something like to make the work out session pleasurable. Music often removes the boredom from repetitive workouts and keeps people motivated.

As I mentioned earlier, eating too few a day isn't the key here, because one needs to maintain a specific blood sugar level to remain sound and fit. At the same time the level of fat in the body should be within a limit too. For male, that is below 8% and for female its 12% or below. One should expect to have a stout attractive and flat stomach if he is aware of these simple facts.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can I Lose Weight Without Making Lifestyle Changes

By Elizabeth Akers

Regular exercise and eating a healthier diet are an essential part of most weight loss tips. In order to help boost your metabolism, especially if you are over 30 years old, you need to make sure that you engage in physical activities like aerobics, brisk walking, swimming, jogging, or even belly dancing for at least 30 minutes everyday. Aside from these cardiovascular activities, you also need to engage in strength training to help build and tone your muscles. Remember, the bigger and stronger your muscles are, the quicker your metabolism cycle will be.

Weight loss tips are essential in helping people attain a healthier and leaner physique. If you are interested in shedding some pounds and getting rid of the excess fat in your body, you must be prepared to do some lifestyle changes that are important to help you succeed. But unless you are ready to accept that there will be some modifications in your daily schedule and eating habits, no amount of tips or pointers could help you lose weight.

Weight loss tips are essential in helping people attain a healthier and leaner physique. If you are interested in shedding some pounds and getting rid of the excess fat in your body, you must be prepared to do some lifestyle changes that are important to help you succeed. But unless you are ready to accept that there will be some modifications in your daily schedule and eating habits, no amount of tips or pointers could help you lose weight.

Eating judiciously is one of the most important weight loss tips that you need to remember. You need to be more conscious of everything you put inside your mouth. Also, it is important that you drink lots of water to prevent dehydration and weight gain caused by water retention. Next, you need to minimize your consumption of alcohol and soda. If you really have to drink something sweet, stick to fresh fruit shakes. In order to make you feel satiated for a longer time and to help enhance your waste elimination system, you need to eat foods that are plenty of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Furthermore, you should not skip breakfast because this meal helps in normalizing your blood sugar levels. As much as possible, you must stay away from grubs that include processed foods, baked goodies, sugar-filled beverages and pastries, and fatty foods.

Sleeping better at night is also included in the top weight loss tips. Some experts say that an average adult should sleep for about six to eight hours every night. Research shows that individuals who are chronically sleep-deprived are more prone to being obese or overweight. It seems that your body's production of the brain chemicals responsible for curbing your appetite is reduced every time you skip sleep.

For more tips on how to lose weight safely and effectively, you can visit .

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

4 Balance Exercises That Can Improve Your Balance At Any Age

By Gina Gardi

Proper balance is required for all movements whether you play tennis or walk down stairs. You can train your body to effectively react to unstable environments by contracting the right muscles at the right time. Balance training improves joint stability, prevents possible injury and joint dysfunction. No matter what your age or fitness level you can benefit from balance training.

The ability to balance is a dynamic process that requires proper posture and the ability to stabilize a joint during movement. Balance exercises should be performed in an unstable environment that can be safely controlled. Exercises can be performed by using tools such as a bosu ball, dyna disc or half foam rolls or simply performing certain exercises while balancing on one leg.

Balance exercises can be effective only when you use proper technique. Start slowly and progress gradually to avoid possible injury. Some common things to watch for are avoiding caved knees, avoiding flat feet, keeping your hips level and avoid elevating your shoulders throughout the full range. Squeeze your buttocks and roll your shoulders back and down and pinch your shoulder blades together.

Whether you're an athlete or not it's important to start with simple balance exercises and gradually progress to more challenging ones. When performing balance exercises there should be no movement in your ankles, knees, or hips. The following are some sample balance exercises from.

Single Leg Balance: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips. Draw your belly button. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg and squeeze the buttocks of the balanced leg. Keep your hips level and hold for 5 to 20 seconds. Repeat with other leg. If this is difficult, support yourself by gently holding on to a chair or wall.

Single Leg Balance Reach: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, place hands on hips. Draw your belly button in. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg, squeeze your buttocks of the balanced leg and maintain this throughout the exercise. keep your hips level and reach your leg to the front and hold for 2 seconds. Return leg back to start and reach to the side and hold for 2 seconds. Return leg back to start and reach leg behind your body and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat with other leg. If reaching to the front is difficult, master that before moving to the side or back.

Single Leg Hip Rotation: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and place hands on hips. Draw your belly button in. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg. Squeeze your buttocks of the balanced leg and maintain this throughout the exercise. keep hips level and rotate at the hips to the side opposite of the balanced leg and hold for 2 seconds. Return back to start and repeat with other leg.

You can use props such as a half foam roll, BOSU ball, and a dyna disc for the above exercises to make them more challenging. But do this gradually and only when you are able to safely control yourself. Proper progression and technique will make a balance training program more effective and prevent injury.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to Achieve Easy Fat Loss with Treadmill Walking

By Torii Tompson

Losing weight is not as hard as it may seem - one really simple way to work off weight and burn that extra fat is by treadmill walking. The key to easy fat loss is to simply burn more calories than you take in through your food.

The majority of people think that taking a short walk three times a week is enough for them to quickly lose weight, unfortunately though this is completely un-true! In order for walking to be an effective weight loss technique, you would need to walk for a minimum of 45 minutes at least five to six times a week.

It's important to be consistent with your walking schedule and do it on a regular basis if you want to control your weight. Trying to walk around your neighborhood on a flat surface can be ineffective, too.

Walking on a treadmill can be an excellent way to give yourself a more thorough workout. By increasing the incline of the treadmill, you can simulate walking up hill which not only increases your heart rate, but also causes your muscles to work harder and therefore use up more fat.

If you engage in treadmill walking on a consistent basis, you'll not only be able to lose the pounds, but they will stay off for good. If a treadmill walking workout tends to bore you, here are some ideas to make it more interesting:

Walk the Pyramid: This game challenges you both physically and mentally for a total of 30 minutes. Whenever you're walking on your treadmill, increase the speed by .1 mph every 15 minutes. Do this for half of your workout and then decrease the speed .1 mph for the other 15 minutes.

1,2,3 Counting Steps: Let's face it, working out on a treadmill can be boring. Break the monotony by counting your steps. Take a minute and count your steps and then take a minute break. Continue doing this throughout the duration of your workout. It will keep your workout interesting and over time you'll see notice the number of steps you take increase, which will be a reward for you.

Step and Walk: Anyone who is used to stair stepper or knows what a great workout. It provides. You can make your treadmill walk less boring by alternating you're walking with other forms of exercise. All you have to do is walk for five or 10 minutes under treadmill, then get off the machine and use a stepper for the same amount of time. If you don't have a stepper, you can do something else like jumping jacks, lifting weights with dumbbells, etc.

Travel the World: Do you remember in the movie Forrest Gump, when Tom Hanks puts on a pair of tennis shoes and just walks for what seems like forever? Why not map out your favorite destination, and then see how long it takes you to walk there and your treadmill?

Don't be afraid to come up with your own games to make treadmill walking less boring. Not everyone is enthusiastic about exercise, but you can put a spin on things to make time go by faster.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Healthy Tahitian Bliss

By TomO\'Riordan

It goes without saying that we all want to maintain our health. A lot of people will go to tremendous extremes in a misguided effort to be healthy; however, a general rule of thumb is that extreme measures are not healthy measures. Diet pills, diet shakes, diet this and that, how exactly do these things work? Are they really healthy for you, or are they just creating a form of unbalance that causes you to lose weight in an unhealthy way? Of course they say they are healthy and good for you, but the fact is that replacing food with pills and artificial concoctions is probably not a good idea.

If you are tired of being sold this sort of thing, you will be happy to know about Tahitian Noni Juice. It is a truly natural product that is actually beneficial to your body and your mind. When you use Tahitian Noni Juice, you can feel the effects almost instantly. Tahitian Noni Juice is a supplement that gives you long lasting energy and supports your immune system.

Now, without all those extras, most people would be happy just to have a steady level of energy all day. Just think of it! With a steady energy level, you could get everything you need to finish accomplished and finish up your day not feeling like a wrung out dish rag! This is quite a difference from the crash and burn effect you get when your diet shake or pill energy runs out and you come up empty! Not only does Tahitian Noni Juice help you get through your day with a solid energy level, it helps you do it with a sharp sense of focus.

What a great way to stay on track with your new healthy lifestyle that to take all natural supplements. One of the best benefits of Tahitian is that it is also very low in cholesterol which most others are not and it will take care of your heart. You can't beat that can you? something that is great for you and will help your heart not just your weight, amazing.

You may not realize that a lot of diet products actually increase your cholesterol levels. Additionally, they tend to increase your heart rate - sometimes to the point of producing anxiety attack-like symptoms. Of course, this is never good, but it is especially unwanted in the midst of an already hectic and stressful workday. Imagine experiencing this kind of symptom while you are working out! This could be frightening or even dangerous.

This product is such a miracle worker that it even boosts your immune system to help your body fight any flu or infections it might get on a day to day basis. Everyone knows that especially around flu season we need all the help we can get to keep our bodies functioning and infection free.

When you have a strong immune system, you won't have to stand in line to get inoculated with a virus in hopes of preventing a virus. We have all heard the scary stories of people having negative reactions to the flu vaccine, and there is more than a little skepticism when it comes to considering whether or not it is actually good for you. No one has ever had a negative reaction to Tahitian Noni Juice. It just helps build your immune system and your natural defenses.

If the benefits I have already told you about are not enough, here are two more. Tahitian Noni Juice is a powerful and effective antioxidant. It also benefits your musculoskeletal system by preventing bone metastasis. This added protection against the ravages of potentially harmful environmental influences is something you will certainly not hear from your typical diet aid product! So give Tahitian Noni Juice a try! You wonat regret it.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Pilates Ring The Pilates Fitness Ring The Pilates Circle

By Carol J Pearson

The Pilates Magic Circle, also named Pilates Rings are small rings used while doing Pilates moves. The small rings have soft grips for your hands on both sides of the ring. The rings, which are usually made from hardened steel, create resistance when you squeeze or pull it. The Pilates Magic Circle is cleverly engineered and can be used in many positions

By pushing the hand grips closer together, more resistance is created, which makes the exercise harder. The Pilates Ring is employed to increase a regular Pilates exercises level of difficulty. The Pilates Magic Circle is designed to aid with the toning of thighs, legs, buns, arms and chest, by pushing, pulling, lifting, squeezing, and pressing down on the ring during certain exercises. The Pilates Magic Circle ring is designed to add gentle or moderate resistance to an exercise. The idea is not to try to crush it, using all of your strength, just add a little resistance.

The Pilates Magic Circle Ring is very portable and durable, not to mention very affordable. They offer a fantastic workout for a very small price. This small piece of equipment will make your exercise not only more effective, but just as important, will make exercise time much more fun. They are easy to put away and very versatile. Users of the Pilates magic circle love the ring and the results it brings.

Since they have become popular, many variations of the Pilates ring have been produced. They now come in a wide assortment of styles and quality. They can be purchased for $20 up to about $75. Different materials are used by different manufacturers. They are available in different types of flexible metal and some models are made entirely of rubber. Many people find that the rubber Pilates ring is just too mushy. If you have some strength you would likely be happier with a ring made with tempered steel. If your level of strength is on the low side, or you are only looking for a mild resistance, the rubber ring or light metal versions would be fine.

The Pilates Magic Circle is ideal for use when on the move. They lay flat, weigh practically nothing, and take up hardly any space. If you travel a lot, you may prefer to use a rubber ring instead as they are a little easier to pack and weigh less than the metal ones.

If you have a Pilates teacher ask her opinion, or better yet try one out. The Pilates Magic Circle will bring a new level of enjoyment and effectiveness to your workout.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

[Dieters Slim Diet] 5 Things You Must Do to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

By Abi Shaan

There are hundreds of new products, pills and routines out there that will claim to be the fastest way to build muscle to burn fat. Some of these products do work. Some of them will make you feel guilty for buying them in the first place. The rest are just a pile of junk and you know it.

The "SOME" that work only work to the extent of giving you quick results for a short period of time. Did you know that your body can adapt to any routine within 4 to 5 weeks? Why wait that long and get disappointed?

Did you know that muscle burns a lot of fat just to survive in your body? Therefore, the easiest way to burn fat and build muscle is by actually focus on building muscle, and the fat will just go away helping your muscle to grow in the process!

1. Got for total body exercises that target major muscle groups like Chinups, Squats and Dead lifts. These exercises work the major muscle groups to their greatest potential, and also utilize the smaller muscle fibers in the process. This is a great way to burn fat while building muscle.

2. Be progressive in every workout. Put more effort than you did in your previous exercise. You need to improve on your reps, increase weight or do more exercises in less time. This increases the intensity and stops your body from getting adapted and instead keeps growing muscle anticipating another shocker.

3. If you want to BURN FAT and build muscle, then you can't just keep everything at sight. Building muscle doesn't give you permission to go dirty on food. You need to eat clean. Stick to organic food, whole grain carbs and lean protein and you are good to go.

4. If you want to get great results, you need to take a week off every 8 to 10 weeks. This rest is necessary for your body to prevent injury and overtraining. Believe me, you will burn fat and build a lot of muscle even in your week off since your body finally has the chance to repair weeks of intense training.

5. Focus on free weights and body weight exercises. Never use a machine unless it is for something like a kneeling cable crunch which is a great exercise for the abs.

The 5 simple tweaks or one would say changes to your current efforts can bring great results to your progress in the future. You will lose a lot of fat and get more ripped and defined if you follow the steps accordingly to achieve your dream body in no time!

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Posted By dieter to Dieters Slim Diet at 11/16/2008 02:07:00 AM